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Morgan Schneiderlin

Not at all I have always defended levy, I'm just confused as to how he didn't complete a deal when Liverpool took 3 players and Arsenal 1. Plus why was he trying to bring in Rodriguez too? Levy is not above criticism he has been a very good chairman but has dropped a cobbler here and there too.

Well I do not deal in guesswork unlike some, and when/if I do I would never put the blame on anyone as its just guesswork. No one is above criticism but as I say there are some who blame him on pure guesswork and that shows where they are coming from.
The season before last shneiderlain was not held in as high regard as he is now. Last season he bad a blinder by his standards and so did Southampton. We may have thought £10m was a fair value, like someone coming in before last season for Kane may have thought £500k was a fair price

Although we can't possibly have agreed terms with his representatives as that's illegal we would have exceeded an interest and asked how much he would want....

Regarding other clubs doing their deals... Let's be honest they paid massively over the top for the players they brought hence why they went through easily

Would you rather we pay £20m for a player that's only really a £10m player to get him or would you rather we walk away and buy someone else???

Shaw for £32m seemed like daylight robbery bit then Lovren
i dont expect us to spend big and i think Poch knows this.
Then we can't complain when the inevitable happens and we scrape a top 6 finish. There were many on this board who were highly critical of poch despite us finishing 5th? I think even 5th is a long shot at the moment for next season given the money being spent by Liverpool and Utd. I personally think we could challenge for a top 4 place with a top quality defensive midfielder and striker to back up Kane.
Well I do not deal in guesswork unlike some, and when/if I do I would never put the blame on anyone as its just guesswork. No one is above criticism but as I say there are some who blame him on pure guesswork and that shows where they are coming from.
Not entirely guess work is it? I haven't made this up but based on reports at the time. Many of these from highly respected sources including BBC. But hey if you feel we cannot criticise levy unless we have first hand access to every thing he does then it will make for a very boring discussion board.
The season before last shneiderlain was not held in as high regard as he is now. Last season he bad a blinder by his standards and so did Southampton. We may have thought £10m was a fair value, like someone coming in before last season for Kane may have thought £500k was a fair price

Although we can't possibly have agreed terms with his representatives as that's illegal we would have exceeded an interest and asked how much he would want....

Regarding other clubs doing their deals... Let's be honest they paid massively over the top for the players they brought hence why they went through easily

Would you rather we pay £20m for a player that's only really a £10m player to get him or would you rather we walk away and buy someone else???

Shaw for £32m seemed like daylight robbery bit then Lovren
It was obvious to most fans that Schneiderlin would do very well last season and he would be out of our league when that happened. We needed to take a gamble last july (a more calculated gamble I might add than we took on the "magnificent 7 ").
I don't understand your point? It is a perfectly fair assumption based on the fact we knew from reports we wanted Rodriguez, he had a long term injury and the other clubs completed their deals. Why is that judgement harsh?

It's harsh because it's a negative judgement on Levy and based on nothing but your assumptions "that he was taking too long and trying to do a complicate deal"
Not entirely guess work is it? I haven't made this up but based on reports at the time. Many of these from highly respected sources including BBC. But hey if you feel we cannot criticise levy unless we have first hand access to every thing he does then it will make for a very boring discussion board.

Please feel free to go ahead and criticise who you want to :), but it may encourage others to take it serious if you had more then guesswork to go on. As it happens you may not be one of those who slag Levy off on a regular basis but it still seems that you are reaching on this one.
It's harsh because it's a negative judgement on Levy and based on nothing but your assumptions "that he was taking too long and trying to do a complicate deal"
I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree on what is considered "harsh" mate. I think it is perfectly fair to look at levy here. Just like it is perfectly fair to judge the transfer committee for the way they spent the Bale money.
Southampton turned down a £10  million bid from Tottenham last summer and, although the player initially wanted to leave, club directors decided that they would refuse all offers. Spurs, though, never actually improved on a single £10 million bid which Schneiderlin had wrongly thought would trigger a release clause. Relations between Tottenham and Southampton had also become strained earlier in the summer by the departure of Mauricio Pochettino and his coaching staff.

Indian spur I take your point on us not having a lot of money although posters defending Levy are quite happy to base this assumption on reports. But I like Veron's point. We waste so much money on signings that don't come up to the required standard why don't we keep our money and buy fewer, better quality players?
Southampton turned down a £10  million bid from Tottenham last summer and, although the player initially wanted to leave, club directors decided that they would refuse all offers. Spurs, though, never actually improved on a single £10 million bid which Schneiderlin had wrongly thought would trigger a release clause. Relations between Tottenham and Southampton had also become strained earlier in the summer by the departure of Mauricio Pochettino and his coaching staff.

I read this as being we only made one bid in the summer for schneiderlin not that we didn't bid for Rodriguez as well.
Southampton turned down a £10  million bid from Tottenham last summer and, although the player initially wanted to leave, club directors decided that they would refuse all offers. Spurs, though, never actually improved on a single £10 million bid which Schneiderlin had wrongly thought would trigger a release clause. Relations between Tottenham and Southampton had also become strained earlier in the summer by the departure of Mauricio Pochettino and his coaching staff.


See this is one of the problems with believing what read in the papers, here is another link which seems to say different.

"Southampton have received no bids as yet for Schneiderlin, who wants to test himself at the highest level of club football and it is unclear how he might react if and when they do arrive."


Most storys in the papers are nothing more then clickbate, agents agendas, or journalists who need to fill pages.
Indian spur I take your point on us not having a lot of money although posters defending Levy are quite happy to base this assumption on reports. But I like Veron's point. We waste so much money on signings that don't come up to the required standard why don't we keep our money and buy fewer, better quality players?

Every signing attempt is a punt though, regardless of how much money we spend. For example, did ANY of those on GG say when we bid and then actually signed Soldado say AT THE TIME "why don't we spend our money on quality players instead of the likes of Soldado?" (Who just happened to have the third best scoring record in Spain for the previous two years or something...)

Again Levy is damned by some whatever he does it seems. I doubt if many thought he was wasting money when we bought those The fact that Soldado (or any of the others) flopped is NOT Levy's fault imo
I read this as being we only made one bid in the summer for schneiderlin not that we didn't bid for Rodriguez as well.

We didn't make a pointless, insulting, low ball offer as is commonly suggested. We'd been told 10 million would seal the deal and gave it a shot. What we did beyond that nobody knows, but it's pretty obvious Southampton weren't, and still aren't, too keen on dealing with us, didn't really need the money and with the ever increasing number of sales that summer they had to put the foot down eventually. Turning us down was just what they needed to get the fans back on board.

Rodriguez did his knee in April last year. I highly doubt we made much of an attempt at signing him last summer.
We didn't make a pointless, insulting, low ball offer as is commonly suggested. We'd been told 10 million would seal the deal and gave it a shot. What we did beyond that nobody knows, but it's pretty obvious Southampton weren't, and still aren't, too keen on dealing with us, didn't really need the money and with the ever increasing number of sales that summer they had to put the foot down eventually. Turning us down was just what they needed to get the fans back on board.

Rodriguez did his knee in April last year. I highly doubt we made much of an attempt at signing him last summer.

I guess we could have done worse; we cold have offered £10M and £1...
Every signing attempt is a punt though, regardless of how much money we spend. For example, did ANY of those on GG say when we bid and then actually signed Soldado say AT THE TIME "why don't we spend our money on quality players instead of the likes of Soldado?" (Who just happened to have the third best scoring record in Spain for the previous two years or something...)

Again Levy is damned by some whatever he does it seems. I doubt if many thought he was wasting money when we bought those The fact that Soldado (or any of the others) flopped is NOT Levy's fault imo
It's not levy's fault alone but it is the fault of the transfer committee imo. I have already written in the baldini thread about my feelings on the magnificent 7 transfer I don't want to take this thread o/t.
We didn't make a pointless, insulting, low ball offer as is commonly suggested. We'd been told 10 million would seal the deal and gave it a shot. What we did beyond that nobody knows, but it's pretty obvious Southampton weren't, and still aren't, too keen on dealing with us, didn't really need the money and with the ever increasing number of sales that summer they had to put the foot down eventually. Turning us down was just what they needed to get the fans back on board.

Rodriguez did his knee in April last year. I highly doubt we made much of an attempt at signing him last summer.
I would guess Jord, that this is based on assumptions, but we can equally assume that our transfer committee bolloxed it up by taking too much time to wrap this one up. I have to say if we were going to spend "silly" money on someone it should have been on schneiderlin.
Not at all I have always defended levy, I'm just confused as to how he didn't complete a deal when Liverpool took 3 players and Arsenal 1. Plus why was he trying to bring in Rodriguez too? Levy is not above criticism he has been a very good chairman but has dropped a cobbler here and there too.

Maybe our new head coach and backroom staff wanted to have a look at the squad before bringing in new players.