So who was it that found Modric for us?
Riccardo Pecini, apparentlySo who was it that found Modric for us?
Spotted by Pecini, advanced by Comolli, sealed by Levy. Sounds like it wouldn't have happened for us without all of those three playing their part.Riccardo Pecini, apparently
How Tottenham signed Luka Modric and how they very nearly didn't get him at all
Modric will welcome his old team to the home of his new one on Tuesday and will do so with an established reputation as the best central midfielder of his
Not just one of the best. His consistency has been immense. Can't remember seeing him having a bad game ever!I have seen some great midfield players in our shirt over the years and he is among the best.
Not just one of the best. His consistency has been immense. Can't remember seeing him having a bad game ever!
Spotted by Pecini, advanced by Comolli, sealed by Levy. Sounds like it wouldn't have happened for us without all of those three playing their part.
Wow! Once in 20 years...BuT leVy HaZ nO fOotbAll dNa…