In some ways you are right here. We did finally meet Villa's £20 million asking price, but that didn't happen until mid July, during the period when Villa were in detailed discussions with their new investors and looking like they would get their required investment (the investors blocked any sales unless sanctioned by them during the discussion period). Prior to that (as much as 2 months prior in fact, even prior to their play off final defeat) Villa were looking for investment, with no takers. It was in early June that Grealish to us was a possibility, Villa needed money pretty desperately, the player wanted to move to us, Pochettino wanted the player (player and manager even spoke to one another). It was in that period from early June to mid July that we messed about.
Interestingly enough Leicester signed Maddison from Norwich on June 20th for £22 million, this was after we had started to talk to Villa about Grealish and well before Villa had even started negotiations with Sawiris and Edens.