Vinnie Samways
You think Levy orchestrated yesterday’s comments?
I think it's as likely as not.
You think Levy orchestrated yesterday’s comments?
I’m one of his biggest fans
Could have fooled me, you seem to have spent two days so far trying to be as negative as possible about the club.
After the season (and seasons) we have just had, I find it hard to fathom why.
Biased? You are turning treble pikes just to maintain a downward slant on everything.
So who is biased?
We just finished 3rd. 3rd. Ill take the liberty of assuming youve been a fan more than 5 minutes, so Ill also assume you know just what an achievement that is.
Add to which not even having a home ground, and having a bricky injury list through the season, and the quality of our CL showing, an FA cup semi - all with Sissoko as a mainstay in our midfield - personally I find it hard to see how any fan can be anything less than positive about the club and our situation.
We are now moving into a new stadium, everything is on the up, and I come on the forum to see you arguing your damndest that everything is turning sour.
Because what? Poch said he wants to re evaluate where the project is/going? After the 3 years we just had thats exactly what he should be doing!
Do yourself a favour, allow yourself to enjoy it. We are in a fudging good place right now, and its not by luck - its because we have become a top team. Its ok, just let it wash over you![]()
You think Levy orchestrated yesterday’s comments?
Similar situation to United, their manager wants to sign more players, does that mean he's leaving? or is it just the media have to have a dig as Spurs again as they proved they are a better team than Liverpool, Chelsea and Woolwich and their "Wembley hoodoo" agenda is blown away.
Take a look at everything I've posted about finished third. I've described it as an incredible achievement and arguably Poch's biggest one since he's been at the club. It's truly remarkable.
However, I don't buy that everything is rosy in the garden because of Pochettino's words over the last month and his refusal to really clarify his position. I'm not basing it solely on what he said yesterday.
You may disagree with and not like what I'm saying and that's fine. I get it. But don't misrepresent what I'm saying about our on-field achievements because I've been as big a cheerleader as anyone on this site for Poch in that regard.
Maybe you should take a look at everything youve posted, because I suspect it doesnt represent you in the way you think it does.
What has Poch really said? Really? Not a lot.
And what have you said? A whole bunch of 'what if' based on nothing but with a heavy dose of negativity.
Im no happy clapper, at all, and all Ive seen in Poch recently is:
- Annoyance at the constant narrative against us.
- A shift in ambition, (rightly) based upon the success he has had.
- Honesty.
- Nothing else. No underlying message. No hint at discontent. Nothing.
What I see in you? Almost wilful belief in a negative spin on all this, based on little to no actual evidence.
He hasn’t really in my opinion. That’s like saying Rose had earned the right to make the wage conversation public. These things should be kept behind closed doors particularly with Levys track record on this sort of thing.
If Levy and Poch were as tight as we think, why not address it in private? This also isn’t Poch just letting stuff out and talking too much like he said in the interview - there’s an agenda behind it because he’s a very clever man.
I’m one of his biggest fans, he has done a spectacularly great job for us but I don’t think his public comments since United have been a good thing.
And you’re entitled to believe that about me. That’s fine. But to state that I’m not happy with third or talking down our on field achievements is just false based on what I have actually posted.
Im no happy clapper, at all, and all Ive seen in Poch recently is:
- Annoyance at the constant narrative against us.
- A shift in ambition, (rightly) based upon the success he has had.
- Honesty.
- Nothing else. No underlying message. No hint at discontent. Nothing.
For someone repeatedly going on about "what I actually posted...", perhaps you should try it?
Ive commented on what youve posted. Which has been distinctly negative. I havent, however, stated you arent happy with 3rd.
Did I mention 3rd? Yes. To point toward all the positives at the club. That was it.
Relax, take a step back, maybe not everything needs to be an argument?
My whole point was based out of the Poch thread where you seem to be wilfully taking a negative spin on rather benign comments. Whatever anyone says you have a downbeat retort, its like you want to be down on something... Thats what Im picking up on.
Now, you tell me thats wrong? Fair enough - but maybe take a minute to work out why I might think that in the first place...
Ah look. I really don’t want to go around in circles with you on this but your first post having a go at me was because I said “I’m one of his biggest fans”. My posting history absolutely supports that. If you find a post where I’ve not been positive about Pochs performance, I’ll retract everything I’ve said.
I’m concerned about the noises he is making because they may (or may not) mean he’s having second thoughts about us. That’s the way lots of people have interpreted his comments and I’m just putting forward that viewpoint. It is possible to be 400% behind him and the club while being concerned at the same time.
It is annoying but Poch has caused this by opening his mouth in public. The media are just doing their job. He says nothing or unequivocally states that he’ll be here next year then there is no story. He’s failed to do that repeatedly.
One other point. Levy doesn’t like his managers talking in public like this. Gooner George and Harry found that out. I know there were other circumstances around those two but talking about club business in public like this doesn’t appear to be something Levy tolerates very well.
And theres the bit I havent seen you entertain.
As I said, I can only post to what Ive seen, perhaps the way you think you are presenting yourself isnt actually how you are coming across.
Finishing 5th or 6th would actually show anything but a winning mentality. Players with winning mentalities want to go toe to toe with the best (CL) not get one over Accrington Stanley.
Where would that money come from? City just bought the title with a squad that cost £0.5Bn more than ours.
Even if Levy could somehow find £0.5Bn to catch up (he can't) then what's to stop City just going out and spending £1Bn?