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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

I think what some of us who are not to pleased with the Director of football system think is that the Director of football has to much power in who gets signed for the team.

I would be all for a position being made for someone who could speak several languages who could travel Europe and finalise deals for the club. But I want the head coach/manager to be the one who decides solely who we sign. He can and should use recommendations from scouts and of course Levy the chairman can tell him to work within a frame work for example you can not spend x amount on a 30 year old.

Not sure how well it works around Europe either as a lot of clubs at our level seem to get through managers pretty quickly. I am discounting the man u and real madrids of the world and looking at clubs of our level.

But none of you actually know, you just find it very convenient to blame him for every signing that isn't to your liking.

There's a reason you don't allow the manager full freedom in the transfer market and that's because they're all somewhere between poor and average at it and are often more concerned about buying from particular agents.

You hire a coach to coach the players. He has a say on transfers obviously, but if he can't do his job without a very specific collection of players, then he's useless. And again, none of us knows anything about what has been said and agreed on behind closed doors.
I don't think any of us have any idea who signs who or how the transfer committee works and are just looking for someone to blame.

It is true none of us know for sure although the have been many interviews and articles about the "committee" but surely people can not help but notice that when we have a director of football the results suffer because the teams put out are lop sided and there players do not suit the style of play of the manager.

I do not completely blame anyone for this, I thought that Dembele would be a star so sure some signings will go wrong. But last summer was a debacle we are still paying for. It is the lack of any philosophy at the club that bothers me and I am one of those who holds the director of football responsible but Levy as well for being obsessed with it.
We're are honesty no better off under Poch as we were under AVB imo, neither poor managers but found or are in the process of finding out that the core of players at the club lack the fight and belief to challenge for top four. Not only that but it's clear that for the most part our transfer dealings over the last 2 to 3 years have been very disappointing with more duds than successes and that is in the process of really hurting us.

I fully back Poch because I am sick of the manager merry-go-round, but this could take a few years of mid table finishes before Poch gets the fighters and workers he needs.

Nonsense the Director of football will sort it out in the next transfer window when we will sign those players we need.
I wonder if Poch had been here when the Bale money was available, whether he'd have said "yes, get rid of Hudd and Livermore, bring me Capoue and Paulinho."

I think we need to gamble on a manager and give SOMEONE time. We've got Poch now, we saw that Southampton played some decent stuff, so let's see if he can turn us into a bigger, better and richer version of that.

If we give a coach time, then he can identify a certain type of player that he wants for his squad and get rid of those who don't fit that type. Our squad is like someone threw 35 different colour tins of paint at a white canvas and expected a clear picture to emerge. We have a team that doesn't defend that well and doesn't score many goals, I just don't know any other club that could spend £100m odd quid and achieve that.

Oddly, Ramos might have been the man in many ways, but he was too much of a disaster and was rightly binned -- we couldn't give him the time, coz he may have relegated us. But assuming Poch doesn't take us near relegation, let's just take a gamble on him and give him time to sort this out.
I don't think any of us have any idea who signs who or how the transfer committee works and are just looking for someone to blame.

The point is that it is a committee. And a committee that seeks to design a horse comes up with a camel.

We need a manager to live or die by his decisions on the player front. A committee is the worst of all possible solutions in this regard - and we are suffering as a result.
I wonder if Poch had been here when the Bale money was available, whether he'd have said "yes, get rid of Hudd and Livermore, bring me Capoue and Paulinho."

I think we need to gamble on a manager and give SOMEONE time. We've got Poch now, we saw that Southampton played some decent stuff, so let's see if he can turn us into a bigger, better and richer version of that.

If we give a coach time, then he can identify a certain type of player that he wants for his squad and get rid of those who don't fit that type. Our squad is like someone threw 35 different colour tins of paint at a white canvas and expected a clear picture to emerge. We have a team that doesn't defend that well and doesn't score many goals, I just don't know any other club that could spend £100m odd quid and achieve that.

Oddly, Ramos might have been the man in many ways, but he was too much of a disaster and was rightly binned -- we couldn't give him the time, coz he may have relegated us. But assuming Poch doesn't take us near relegation, let's just take a gamble on him and give him time to sort this out.

well we are 3 points above it and losing at home to teams who have not won away all season and are a basket case themselves, only good thing about today is that I layed us on betfair as I always do after a europa league match.
The football under Sherwood was horrible. Absolutely no plan whatsoever. We scored a few more goals, but it wasn't entertaining. Taking the fixture list into the equation our results didn't improve either.

Football under Poch has been no better in terms of movement and spectator appreciation than the football under Sherwood AND RESULTS. I was actually trying to highlight the methodoligy that Poch is trying to implement (which is not working) as compared to Redknapp. Again the results show in favour of Redknapp, let alone Sherwood. We are playing too narrow, trying to dominate the forward/midfield with a high line. The rest of the Prem are wise to this. We had more success playing wide with pace and crossing/driving in from the wings.
Because right now we have players that neither AVB or Pochettino wanted (a realistic assumption in my opinion) and dont have certain players they did want. I would like us to give Pochettino three/five years and hold all the reigns to the playing squad and ins and outs.

Not every club who has the DoF is successful and not every club who doesnt have it is successful. Its a blanket statement to just say 'opposite direction of every top club...'. I dont see how shifting from this so called norm would make us any less successful. I want our Manager to have the best possible opportunities for success and in my view it will only happen if theyre allowed to bring in the players THEY want. Given that a coach/Manager is either retained or sacked dependent on performance, I think him having control of ins and outs is a reasonable responsiility to have.

We have spent £100 odd million (even more) in turning into a fairly mediocre side with square pegs in round holes.

I agree that we have players that the manager does not want. I think that this season will be spent identifying them and then they will be replaced.

We can get an idea about how Pochettino feels about working with a director responsible for recruitment by his reaction to Cortese's resignation at Southampton.


Arsenal are the only top club I can think of without a director of football/sporting director/general manager and I do not know a Gooner who would not welcome their old one back with open arms. Can you think of another club without one?
well we are 3 points above it and losing at home to teams who have not won away all season and are a basket case themselves, only good thing about today is that I layed us on betfair as I always do after a europa league match.

Perhaps, but it's not 2 points from 8 games bad just yet. We deservedly beat a very good Southampton side, we did well at Arsenal away. We're not gonna pull up any trees, but I can't see us crashing down quite that badly.
Too many of our fans and a large %'age of our players think we are so much better than we really are, its like we have a GHod given right to win everygame just by putting the shirt on

No one expects to win every game. What they do expect is NOT to play crap and lose at home to a crap Saudi Sportswashing Machine side who were in the relegation zone, calling for their own managers head. No amount of sugar coating or "ifs, buts and maybes" will change that. Let us grieve.
The point is that it is a committee. And a committee that seeks to design a horse comes up with a camel.

We need a manager to live or die by his decisions on the player front. A committee is the worst of all possible solutions in this regard - and we are suffering as a result.

I think that it a massive assumption. A more likely reason for the make up of our current squad is the money that we have available for signings and wages.

Out of interest, can you name a club with an all controlling manager which you think we should be emulating?
Any other club thats successful work like this?
Currently most successful clubs are bankrolled - either by some gauche new money types or their state.

I'm pretty sure the successful German clubs are run the same way as we are (with regard to profit and investment).
I think that it a massive assumption. A more likely reason for the make up of our current squad is the money that we have available for signings and wages.

Out of interest, can you name a club with an all controlling manager which you think we should be emulating?

Is hard because we have more resources then Hull or Swansea, I guess Everton are the closet I could say. Anyway these clubs do not need to change the entire squads every few years as we do. Which is what I thought the whole point of the director of football was. You did not need to change your squad when you got a new manager because that manager would suit the players and vice versa.
I agree that we have players that the manager does not want. I think that this season will be spent identifying them and then they will be replaced.

We can get an idea about how Pochettino feels about working with a director responsible for recruitment by his reaction to Cortese's resignation at Southampton.


Arsenal are the only top club I can think of without a director of football/sporting director/general manager and I do not know a Gooner who would not welcome their old one back with open arms. Can you think of another club without one?

I think to answer that we need to understand first and foremost whether the DoF at other clubs have the same remit as that of Baldini i.e. involved heavily in transfers? As far as im concerned a DoF can be in place and can work but if their remit is to 'direct' and to a certain extent 'govern' the football structure of the club i.e. structure of the scouting network, or youth academy or even sports science. The DoF neds to make sure we are well equipped for future success.

There is a great deal of beurocracy above Poch (before that AVB) i.e the Committee, Baldini and Levy et al, that cant continue when it comes to transfers which is a very large factor here when critiquing a Managers progress. I have a feeling that Levy and Baldini (and this Committee) has too much say and far more heavily involved than perhaps other DoFs.

Maybe I was incorrect in suggesting ditching the DoF because it has its place just not when it comes to transfers in my view.
So we never ever make profit?

The profit is there the same way the house that I own but I do not live in and let out makes only a very small profit(major roof work and a new kitchen in last 2 years) I keep a hold of it and put back money into it because the market over time will always rise and when I sell in 10 years to fund my retirement I will sell for a huge profit. I am not making a profit now but it is the when I want to sell because of the rising market value so I only have to keep it in reasonable shape to rent out.