Jack Jull
I get the feeling he does not trust academy players as much these days.
I know we are a better team then when we turned up but i get the impression he is reluctant to test them as much. Really had hoped to see more of walker-peters this season.
Players like w-p, georgiou and sterling should be out on loan if they are not going to play. The period of Livermore, Townsend, Caulker, Pritchard and Mason added about 30 odd mill to our transfer budget. A few good loans for fringe players can really help.
Also seeing how Pickford had so many loan spells as a young keeper makes me think our young keepers would benefit from some game time even if it was the conference or league 2.
Isn’t it a bit of a myth he trusted the academy players?
Kane/Mason/Onamah (sort of)/KWP (sort of) and Winks
Been an occasional showing now and then I’m dead rubbers/last few minutes
Kane is 50/50 in that list as was already playing
Not really above average number wise?