Dimitar Berbatov
.........Simon Harris loves youI love Simon harris ...
.........Simon Harris loves youI love Simon harris ...
That's a bit like saying "that was a great race because up until the last 100 yards you could have won it". You may be happy with nearly, I am not. I was brought up to believe that the only position is first, everything else is failure. Of course, I am realistic and don't expect Spurs to win everything, but I will not hail a manager as successful until he has won the club silverware. As much as I liked Arry I still don't consider him as successful. That said, he wasn't failure either, and at present that is exactly how I would describe Poch. Arry had potential until Levy got rid of him, I just have a feeling he will do the same with Poch if he doesn't win anything soon.
I see PSG are rumoured to be interested in Poch for the future.
I know its just specualtion but he loves that club and if an offer does come in within the next couple of years can you see him going?
Here is a quote for you. It is from Danny Blanchflower. Given how you've stated you are 'old' I suspect you might 'possibly' remember the words. They pretty much cover what makes us Tottenham Hotspur supporters. I actually feel sorry for you mate, because your needle-narrow parameters appear to possibly get in the way of enjoying life. Anyway...
“The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It is nothing of the kind. The game is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.”
Absolute rubbish. Yes we have moved on considerably since the days of Ramos, albeit he won us the last trophy. Harry had us playing great football and took us to the CL quarter finals, something Poch has found totally out of his reach. Since Arry we have been a top six side, and to give Poch his credit he has kept us there. Last year we won nothing, bottled it out of three competitions and finished behind Arsenal after our best chance ever of avoiding St Tottinghams day. In short, last season was a complete disaster, and this season has a long way to go. Who knows, we may win the FA cup and come second, in which case I will bow down to everyone's greater knowledge. I don't expect to much from a club which spends almost nothing on signings, but the fact is our first 11 are very good. Anything less than 2nd or the FA cup, and I want him out, SIMPLES
Go to settings.Your obviously easily pleased. Oh, any ideas how I can stop emails every time somebody posts on a thread I have posted on ?
For me this might look unambitious but I take my glory from individual actions of the club, we beat WBA 4-0 I take that as glory because it sure beats drawing or losing, I will go to todays game and take glory from the game if we win again.
Last season we won 19 games to 6 losses and this season we sit on 16-3, so ultimately the team provides me with more moments of individual glory than otherwise, it would be nice to end the season with a bit or metal that signifies overall success but if you don't take the individual victories for what they are you beg the question "why bother paying to watch individual games if you don't extract what is actually really positive about that game". If you don't feel any sense of glory at being a well run better than most second in the table team in the modern game that is more competitive than ever then you might as well save your money, sit at home and hope to read the end of season stats hoping we won something.
People state the likes of Wigan and Swansea winning the league cup recently etc but I support a club that is fundamentally and factually a great club in ever outlet than either of those two, so what does the league cup change about that?
Whats the saying, not what your club can do for you, its what you can do for the club and thats my fundamentals considering its an organic love that makes me support Spurs and its my choice to pay my money to go to games, the club owes me nothing and I owe no one an explanation for being positive about the club I support and I certainly don't apologize for supporting a manager who is a success every day he goes to work, whose good days far outweigh his bad and also one that shows more class than the pieces of trash like Mourinho who is allowed to tear the game down with their terrible words against fans, officials, players and their unspeakable actions like poking people in the eye and it being overlooked all because they have won trophies.
Do me an absolute favor, I won't sell my soul for success.
It started :/
Hopefully it's only the first round of speculations and Barca will go for Kuman this summer.
It started :/
Hopefully it's only the first round of speculations and Barca will go for Kuman this summer.
Surely Conte should be the go to manager of the moment?
(Some of) the Arsenal fans want Wenger out, buy that is because they are on the way down now (on what side of the Wenger in/out fence do you stand by the way?).... The days of winning the league and double and going unbeaten are becoming a distant memory for The Woolwich Wanderers. The fans see that their position as being undisputedly the 2nd best team in the country and occasionally being one place higher than that, fast turned into one of being undisputedly the 4th best team in the country, then eroding even further to being 'just about' the fourth best team in the country and now perhaps on the verge of slipping even further than that.Your not reading my posts properly. Because we will not win the league this season doesn't mean I don't want 2nd position. There are different degrees of failure, as failure isn't black and white. Finishing 2nd would not make me happy, but I would be less unhappy than if we finished 3rd. If all the supporters are just happy with top four, top four is the best we will ever get. It's down to us lot to demand the earth for the price of our season tickets. Our average prices are the 2nd highest in the world (after Arsenal) yet it would appear so many on here are content on winning nothing, perhaps it's because most on here don't actually spend any money following Spurs. Look at that lot up the road. They have finished top four since the beginning of the prem, won the double, gone a season without losing a game, and have won more FA cups than us (especially recently) however many of them want to see the back of Wenger. We appear to be the flip side of the coin, finish 3rd one year when the other top sides don't perform, and our manager is a footballing GHod. I honestly believe that so many on here have forgot how great our club used to be, and have now forgotten how to be ambitious. Like I said before, I don't expect Spurs to take the world by storm, but let's not be happy with an FA cup semi final and finishing 4th, we deserve more than that.
It started :/
Hopefully it's only the first round of speculations and Barca will go for Kuman this summer.