Colin Calderwood
Maybe Eriksen feels he needs a break from Spurs? After all he's been here longer...playing devil's advocate, but can't you see how the only difference is that one is the manager whilst the other is 'just' a player?
I don't think either necessarily deserve criticism, but when one takes actions, complains etc about players needing to show full commitment to THFC, then it's a bit rich to say openly TWICE that he himself would have left if certain conditions happened.
i can't see why anyone can't see the problem with the hypocrisy here. Vilify the both for their comments or don't villify either...
I agree, I don't thi k we can criticise either for leaving under those circumstances.
We've always known eriksens position, I actually admire him for it, he hasn't got sucked into the "this is my club" bollards some do before they high tail it to greener pastures.
I think he's handled it very badly for himself, but that's another topic.
And as I said if we had won the CL and poch had left then once I'd sobered up, got over hang over and realised he was gone I would have been sad but would have understood.