You know what is really underrated? Honey
Been eating it a fair bit recently - on burnt toast - unreal.
Ooh I do like a good onion/tomato/balsamic chutney.
Good honey is great. I love taking a frame of comb straight from one of our hives and sprearing it wax and all on fresh baked bread. Makes you feel alive
Yep make loads of preserves especially chutney and I create my own. Most popular one is my indian mango, nice and sweet with an after kick.
O/T but - any good recipes for chilli paste?
Besides salt and vinegar (and a bit of sugar) are there any other key ingridients?
Good honey is great. I love taking a frame of comb straight from one of our hives and spreading it wax and all on fresh baked bread. Makes you feel alive
Do any of you know the difference between jam and marmalade...?
Have you got a smallholding? Farm?