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Kyle Walker

Re: Walker...

His decision making has been questionable recently, not least yesterday when we desperately needed to slow things down and try for some possession. Some of his positioning was terrible yesterday. There was confusion between him and Lennon at one point that came about because Walker left a huge gap behind him and didn't bother to look around once, which is criminally bad awareness.

I think he has huge potential but at the moment he shows signs of the same frailties that we slaughter Glenn Johnson for all the time.
Re: Walker...

His defending does need to pick up however his pace does get him out of jail at times. I think he's good enough that I would want to play him week in week out so that he does develop. People on here talk about getting people like Townsend, Carroll etc game time however Walker is a similar age and streets ahead of them.

I do think we need more full back cover though - it looks like we're trying to get through with Walker, Naughton and Benny....however that means when we ahve a couple injuries we have to over-play Verts given we have 3 first team full backs rather than 4 (ie 2 per position). That is, unless they've viewing Adam Smith as being able to play in more htan just Carling Cup games
Re: Walker...

He is such a young and relatively inexperienced defender still, he has masses of talent, a fantastic work ethic too, im not saying he will be as good as Gary Neville was at RB but look how poor Neville was first up, it takes time we need to stick with him
Re: Walker...

Don't forget that Kaboul and Gallas are both able to deputise at FB (less so Gallas these days) and Bale as well. It's not like we don't have options and we had to put Rose out on loan as he wouldn't get opportunities. Personally I think we're OK, I'm happy with Naughton as main cover and our CBs taking up the extra slack, if we had any more then Caulker wouldn't have been handed his chance at CB ;)
Re: Walker...

He is no worse than BAE defensively. We need 2 top class full backs and we will be a very good side. ?Our full backs have always been our weak link imo.
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Re: Walker...

He is no worse than BAE defensively. We need 2 top class full backs and we will be a very good side. ?Our full backs have always been our weak link imo.

Yes, but BAE posts incomprehensible words on his twitter which is cooler.
Re: Walker...

He is no worse than BAE defensively. We need 2 top class full backs and we will be a very good side. ?Our full backs have always been our weak link imo.

thread derailed by the 7th post. Good one!

Re: Walker...

His defending does need to pick up however his pace does get him out of jail at times. I think he's good enough that I would want to play him week in week out so that he does develop. People on here talk about getting people like Townsend, Carroll etc game time however Walker is a similar age and streets ahead of them.

I do think we need more full back cover though - it looks like we're trying to get through with Walker, Naughton and Benny....however that means when we have a couple injuries we have to over-play Verts given we have 3 first team full backs rather than 4 (ie 2 per position). That is, unless they've viewing Adam Smith as being able to play in more htan just Carling Cup games

Good post.

I'm not sure what Charlie / Corluka wages and remaining contract were, but we probably should have kept him for another year at least. At the end of last season, Walker would have benefited from a rest, a recharge, some competition, and a chance to reflect on his performance. At the moment he's in the team week in and out regardless. He gives it his all during games, but sometimes looks a little dizzy. I think if he was eased in more, we'd be celebrating Walker, rather than questioning him.
Re: Walker...

He's young and has all the raw natural ability you'd want. The rest you canal earn from coaching and experiment. I don't get why people are bitching, we are extremely lucky to have him. He's not exactly a liability is he? I think he's great and needs to playing every week to develop, I think he'll be ours and England's right back for years and years.
Re: Walker...

I think, Walker is the weakest link in our 1st team now. He needs to improve his defending especially inside the box. His defending is mostly clumsy and could result in us giving away many penalties. And he has handled the ball too many times when defending. He is very lucky the refs seemed to be very lenient on him so far.
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Re: Walker...

stick Kaboul at Rb when he returns, also keeping Vertonghen at Lb and then we can play 4 Cb's at once =P~
Re: Walker...

When Naughton is back it might be good for Walkers focus if his spot gets taken for a game or few.

Walker/Naughton/Kaboul RB
Benny/Naughton/SuperJan LB

Good blend, I think in the next two years, with the right coaching, Walker will become an elite level RB, but I also have a feeling Naughton is a better defender, so feel Walker is going to have a fight on his hands to keep the spot.
Re: Walker...

He's young and has all the raw natural ability you'd want. The rest you canal earn from coaching and experiment. I don't get why people are bitching, we are extremely lucky to have him. He's not exactly a liability is he? I think he's great and needs to playing every week to develop, I think he'll be ours and England's right back for years and years.

No one is bitching we are analysing his performances and ability. Do you think AVB just ignores Walkers weaknesses? If he does then he is not doing his job properly.

He isnt a liability yet but its obvious he has weaknesses which has cost us and will cost us if not improved. I like Walker but he isnt 'great' (yet) but im not blinkered to his weaknesses the same as im not blinkered to verts weaknesses or Dembeles weaknesses etc.

I think he has either regressed a bit since last season or his weaknesses are just being exposed by the opposition this season and the latter part of last season.
Re: Walker...

When Naughton is back it might be good for Walkers focus if his spot gets taken for a game or few.

Walker/Naughton/Kaboul RB
Benny/Naughton/SuperJan LB

Good blend, I think in the next two years, with the right coaching, Walker will become an elite level RB, but I also have a feeling Naughton is a better defender, so feel Walker is going to have a fight on his hands to keep the spot.

Of the 2 Naughton used to be held in higher regard. Naughton doesn't have Walkers physique and power, but looked good. Hope to see him get a few games instead of Walker. Through if Walker is the better player, it is hard to play Naughton instead. Never the less it would do Walker some good. I think he'd come back stronger and focused.
Re: Walker...

i'll be interested to see how AvB plays it - past couple of seasons we have tended to stick by players when their form has dropped or been erratic, wonder if he'll be more likely to rotate/drop players when they are out of form?

Naughton looks a good player to bring in for a run of games and give Walker the opportunity to work hard and regain his place via the training field
Re: Walker...

He's young and has all the raw natural ability you'd want. The rest you canal earn from coaching and experiment. I don't get why people are bitching, we are extremely lucky to have him. He's not exactly a liability is he? I think he's great and needs to playing every week to develop, I think he'll be ours and England's right back for years and years.

I agree. He'd a young player who is still quite inexperienced. His form is bound to fluctuate and he will make mistakes but that is part of his development and we should remain patient.
Re: Walker...

There are a lot of things not right with Walker at present. The first 6 months of last season he was doing very well and seemingly coming on in leaps and bounds, but since the turn of the year and the teams form drop he's struggled in almost all areas with even the most basic of skills not up to standard. He's over complicating his attacking phases and in doing so failing to deliver crosses when he just has try and turn his man again at the byline instead of delivering when he has an opportunity. Defensively he's letting his man go, getting underneath the ball and missing headers, failing to pick up opponents runs and lacking concentration over 90 minutes.

The lad no doubt has potential and you have to wonder what has contributed to his decline in form because I know he can deliver. Its almost like the responsibility placed on him is too much at the moment and he's almost trying to hard. If it weren't for his pace and recovery I'd question whether he'd be in the team the way he's playing at present if we had any kind of experienced cover.
Re: Walker...

He is no worse than BAE defensively. We need 2 top class full backs and we will be a very good side. ?Our full backs have always been our weak link imo.
Walker is young, rapid and British - he is a very talented player and we shouldn't even consider getting rid of him