Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
JT's trial
The trial begins on July 9. Let's hope he gets convicted \o/
The trial begins on July 9. Let's hope he gets convicted \o/
The trial begins on July 9. Let's hope he gets convicted \o/
Far too long between trial and incident, certainly enough time to lose evidence, people to forget their stories and Caymen bank accounts to be filled. Of course this is all speculation on my part.
I leave you with this. \o/
Fine of 2.5k and slap on the wrist.
Fine of 2.5k and slap on the wrist.
An educated GG poster (yes, we have one) has pointed out the possibility of sub-judice/contempt of court with certain comments on here.
My bet is on DHSF!
Guys, I know it will be impossible to stop you talking about this, but please remember, as this will be an ongoing trial, you need to be very careful what you post.
An educated GG poster (yes, we have one) has pointed out the possibility of sub-judice/contempt of court with certain comments on here.
On that note, I officially proclaim the opinions of posters in this thread do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of this board.
So there.
cant we just prefix everything with 'apparently' ? Seems to work for everyone else.