Tesco is the only super market for 18 miles.
tossing on a budget!?![]()
I knew something like that would be posted :lol:
I had a cold, wanted a box of tissues on my desk at work - nothing more than that :^)
I can't take Iceland seriously since they had Stacey Soloman not only prattling on about 'coming home for Christmas', but also gushing over how cheap a bag of frozen prawns were. She's Jewish for fudge sake!? ](*,)
About the only thing M&S is famous for, is top class food mate. You're the first person in GHod knows how many years who's said their food is brick. It's pricey - yes, but you do get what you pay for. They need to improve their bakery though - I've written to the boss of Cheshunt M&S, as they NEVER have: 1) anyone serving, and 2) my favourite crusty rolls. Not good enough.
I can't take Iceland seriously since they had Stacey Soloman not only prattling on about 'coming home for Christmas', but also gushing over how cheap a bag of frozen prawns were. She's Jewish for fudge sake!? ](*,)
I don't know how anyone could bring themselves to even enter dumps like 99p LandEach to their own, but - to me - go in there, and you might as well just admit you've seriously failed at life. 99p - hardly living the dream is it? :/
Personally, I hurry past; keen to ensure no-one even gets the slightest thought of associating me with it - errghh.
Poundland is a hive of opportunity mate... When I wanted to put a last minute cowboy costume together, Poundland. When I needed to harvest some cheap parts from solar garden lamps for a project, Poundland. When I wanted a BEAUTIFUL Will & Kate cushion to make a charming present for a mate, Poundland.
Don't let your pride get in the way of the wonderful possibilities this store presents you.
As for Tesco. I don't think it's chavy in the slightest. If anything, it represents middle England. Try going into Asda or Morrisions. Your single mum was probably as shocked to find herself in there as you were.
Personally I like Waitrose as they sell a lot of things you can't find elsewhere (fresh oregano for one), but I'm not adverse to Sainsburys or Tesco.
This is true. I once found an amazing Jesus bin as a present for a friend there.
Waitrose recently have been churning out some fairly vile brick for their implied standardd. Some of their steak has been well below par. I don't do a lot of ready meals but a couple I have had recently have been grim.
No supermarket appear able to put fully cooked potatoes in a salad. M&S are particularly bad at this. Try their Nicoise, get cooked spuds and win a fookin prize. I tend to buy veg from farm shops where I can but I tend to be more price conscious these days. When I did miss Wartrose one evening I picked up a tray of veg from LIDL. What I bought cost me about ?ú30. The same load from Waitrose would have easily been double. Does make you think. Just hard to fault Waitrose for service. When you notice a staff member who sticks out for the wrong reasons you will notice they don't last very long at all.