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iPhone 5 - to be announced today

This thread has been about as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop.

For someone that's never owned an iPhone, I think I can justify buying the 5.
Galaxy III 16gb is $200, same price as a similar iPhone 5, so there isn't a price premium. It's simply a matter of picking which phone would better suit my needs.
That's on contract, presumably?

UK getting done again, basic price of a 16gb 5 in the US will be $649 (about £400), here £529 (per Zdnet and Cnet).
After reading the replies to my post 3 pages ago which I didn't happen to see last night, I just thought I should add another comment, whether you want to hear it or not.

I personally do not have a problem with iPhones, Apple or any phone. The iPhone is a very good, powerful phone, and it is understandable why people will love it. However, what I do have a problem with is the people that are prepared to buy every single new Apple product, regardless of their price and how good the product is, just because it's made by Apple. This causes a big problem in the market, as it reduces the competition and the rate of technological improvements. This is why you always hear people saying "The new iPhone is exactly like the last" and similar things. Because Apple know full well that if they only improve their devices a tiny bit, they will still sell millions of it. If these 'fan boys' did choose to consider other products, Apple would have to improve their phones a lot more each time, and consequently every other company would as well.

If you don't have anything sensible to reply to this, then you might as well not, as I really couldn't care if you get tinkled off at my posts.

Are there massive differences every time samsung or htc release a phone ? Do you even know or is it just apple you analyse ?

Apple produce 1 phone a year. Even if you buy every single one, it is hardly excessive - I get 1 new phone a year and have done a long time before I got an iphone. I don't think any of your "points" are really that valid, no matter what you say you are quite clearly just moaning about apple for the sake of it.

If Samsung produce a phone far better than the iphone, apple would have to make big improvements and people would change from apple. It is not solely down to apple to improve the technology. I think apple have done enough for the mobile phone market, they completely changed it and every other company tries their best to make their phone like the iphone - in fact havent samsung just been sued after they were found ripping the iphone off (including emails leaked that say "thats not like the iphone, we need to make it like that").

Apple are not doing anything differently to any other company. There are fan boys of every company, but if one is consistently making top quality products then it is obvious why. If apple make a brick phone, these people wont buy it.

Someone is tinkled off, but it certainly isnt the people replying to your posts. Its you. For no reason (although you think you have a reason but it really isnt relevant).
The day will come, do not worry. It used to be Walkman phones that were the most popular, then Blackberrys, and iPhones will not stay at the top forever (even though they technically aren't now anyway)

This seems to bother you greatly.

I doubt any of these so called fan boys really care if in future apple are at the top. For now they are, so they keep buying the products. It is funny how these anti apple people accuse others of having a closed mind to other products, when it is very obvious who really has a closed mind. I dont know what my next phone will be. It seems very obvious you know what yours wont be.
well im coming to the end of a 2 year contract , still got the HTC wildfire !! Its lasted me a good while , been dropped a million times and still works perfectly fine , use it everyday as my sat nav and battery still sweet . Never had an iphone , but seeing as my contract is up i might just go for this new one . Phones a phone 2 me !
That's on contract, presumably?

UK getting done again, basic price of a 16gb 5 in the US will be $649 (about £400), here £529 (per Zdnet and Cnet).

Yup, both are the 2-year contract prices. That definitely sucks in terms of the pricing differences.
My Droid served me well, but it's sluggish as a snail's balls now. In terms of screen size, I don't want anything too big. I'll take portability over a huge screen since I play enough games on my computer. I simply wanted a phone that would a) fudging call people, b) provide organizational tools/life management, and c) have a few music apps like iMaschine. The trade-off is that I like the Android platform and how open it is, but if Apple's ecosystem provides me with everything I need, I think I'll be happy. My Droid doesn't have a SIM card (I think all phones under Verizon are like that) so I'll have to just sync up with google I guess.

In my own opinion, it doesn't make sense to upgrade from the iPhone 4 to the 4s, then to the 5, and it's not like you can sell the old phone for much since people can get those for free now with a 2-year contract. I personally believe Apple should switch to a 2-year cycle because they can only improve on so much at this point.
Ipad should switch to a 2-year cycle. Quite likely when you consider they've changed the name to just 'ipad'. I've decided not to get one end of Jan and just wait to see if they release a revised one in March.
Have you looked into that law suit properly? Its been goin on for years and Apple have lost most of their cases. Also Apple have been accused by Samsung in the past of the same thing.
The only reason this one made the news was coz of the huge amount of money involved... Which Samsung have appealed so havent yet paid a penny. Apple lost the same case in Japan and Europe and a UK judge ordered Apple to make a statement on their website that Samsung did NOT copy the iPad.

The comment about Samsungs being a cheap Apple knock off tells me you've never used one. You generally find that with Apple fan boys. They preach the holy word of Steve Jobs and tell you how awesome Apple products are without even looking at the competition.

I've owned an iPhone and I loved it. My only gripe was you have to pay for EVERYTHING and it has to be through the AppStore or iTunes... No drag and drop allowed. No Ringtones allowed. No changing your text tone... All stuff I could do on my older phones. I also dont like the fact the battery is not removable so should it pack up then you need a new phone instead of 6 quid for a new batt. Also no SD card slot. I could only afford the 8GB iPhone so I was constantly having to delete music and apps.
But apart from that it was a fantastic bit of tech. Yes I know you can "jail break" your phone to bypass all the above, but why should I have to hack my phone to make it work? It should work out of the box.

I switched to Samsung Galaxy 2 after 1 an hlf yrs of iPhone. First thing I noticed was the freedom I had to change ringtones, download free music and of course the huge amount of free apps on android. But again, its personal preferance. It does what I want a phone to do. Ive since upgraded to the Note with its bigger screen and the addition of a stylus its perfect for me.

Ive got no problem with people buying Apple products or owning/wanting an iPhone because they are good bits of kit... But they are not the be all and end all that some will try to make you believe. Nor are Samsung or HTC or any other phone for that matter. They all offer their own pros and cons. My issue is with the religeous-like fanboys that follow this company like a cult. Theyll preach the products to everyone almost asif they work for Apple. And should you own anything else you'll get told "its brick".

You what?
You what?

The battery in the iPhone.... You cant remove it.... Every other phone you can.
It means you cant buy a spare battery like u can for others. Considering the battery life is crap on most smart phones its handy to have a spare. Or in some cases you can buy an aftermarket bigger capacity battery which is even better. Dont know why iPhone wont let you do that?
The battery in the iPhone.... You cant remove it.... Every other phone you can.
It means you cant buy a spare battery like u can for others. Considering the battery life is crap on most smart phones its handy to have a spare. Or in some cases you can buy an aftermarket bigger capacity battery which is even better. Dont know why iPhone wont let you do that?

It's an Apple thing. A non-user replaceable battery is smaller. It's the same in all MacBooks. However, it is still replaceable. If you have issues, just take it to the Genius Bar and you'll get a new phone (under warranty).
Sorry but no one has to switch numbers any more ever. You can always get a pak code when exiting contract (needed to transfer number) and in fact asking for one increases your chances of negotiating a better deal with existing provider. When you say pak code you go through to the people with real deal making clout.

"Real deal making clout" over a phone contract? Haha that's funny.
For me the new charger on iPhone5 is another blatant way of apple abusing their loyal followers. There should be more convergence with things like chargers not divergence, filling the world with more cheap plastic brick that needs to be taken apart before being disposed of. I've had Galaxy s2 for a year now and i'm very happy with it, recently discovered newer blackberry chargers work with it which has helped me at random places recently. £25 quid for the new charger listed price on apple website - that's just taking the tinkle.

As for the lawsuit thing, just take a look at how many Samsung made components are inside the iPhone they are allegedly ripping off. It's only a US judge that favours the US company everyone else just told them both to stop being so petty.

Check out what woozy said:

While the ruling adds to Apple's patent victory tally, the firm's co-founder Steve Wozniak has voiced his discomfort at the fact it was engaged in such legal battles.

"I hate it," he said, when quizzed by the Bloomberg about the fact that a jury had awarded Apple $1.05bn (£648m) in damages from Samsung.

"I don't think the decision of California will hold. And I don't agree with it... I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody's technologies."

Mr Wozniak is the listed inventor of several patents himself, including a way to use a computer with a video display.


I thought it was an EU thing that all phones must have a micro USB charger port. How do Apple get around this?
Took me 5 minutes, without ever doing it before or using a guide. It's not that bad

But not everyone has the confidence to take a screwdriver to they're phone... Thats my point. You can, fair enough. I could change screens on my iPhone which is just as easy... For me... But i often had friends ask me (and still get people ask me now) to fix their screens coz they coulfnt do it. Not everyone can or will.
Whereas with a removable back anyone can just pop off to change battery or sim or whatever. I just dont understand why iPhone is the only one that wont allow you to do this?
But not everyone has the confidence to take a screwdriver to they're phone... Thats my point. You can, fair enough. I could change screens on my iPhone which is just as easy... For me... But i often had friends ask me (and still get people ask me now) to fix their screens coz they coulfnt do it. Not everyone can or will.
Whereas with a removable back anyone can just pop off to change battery or sim or whatever. I just dont understand why iPhone is the only one that wont allow you to do this?

It's not the only one, nokia don't have removable batteries on the lumia series,Motorola razr phones don't and htcs one series don't either.

It's because it's easier to design thin phones if you have a built in battery. It's a miracle of engineering that Samsung manage to get one into the galaxy series. One I'm grateful for as removable batteries aren't something I can do without but not that many people care in a world where usb and plug sockets are everywhere.
Changing the battery will mean that you lose your warranty though, so this is something you should do at your own risk. But if one's tempted then it's not difficult at all to change the battery, three screws and you're done. A display is more tricky, but if you have the right tools and have the confidence then go for it, I bet there's a ton of youtube videos on this. If you have the 4S or a late 4 version then it might be difficult, they started to use some new torx screws at the end and there's really not many drives that fit with it.
Changing the battery will mean that you lose your warranty though, so this is something you should do at your own risk. But if one's tempted then it's not difficult at all to change the battery, three screws and you're done. A display is more tricky, but if you have the right tools and have the confidence then go for it, I bet there's a ton of youtube videos on this. If you have the 4S or a late 4 version then it might be difficult, they started to use some new torx screws at the end and there's really not many drives that fit with it.

Changing screens on the 3 series is a doddle but 4 is alot harder. Gotta take the whole phone to bits. A friend of mine has his own company that do this and also do colour changes so u can have a red or blue iPhone. They already have mock ups of the iPhone 5 with colour changes. They even did it for Stephen Frys iPhone (videos on Youtube)

Its mendmyi if anyones interested. https://mendmyi.com
I have a removable battery in my phone.

When I dropped my phone in a pint of tap water I had the battery out of the phone within about 3 seconds.

I can't imagine an Iphone or other phones without removable batteries surviving a plunge as they're far more likely to short circuit.
I have a removable battery in my phone.

When I dropped my phone in a pint of tap water I had the battery out of the phone within about 3 seconds.

I can't imagine an Iphone or other phones without removable batteries surviving a plunge as they're far more likely to short circuit.

The battery is the least of your worries if you drop a phone in water.

Also, dropped my iPhone on concrete last night. Survived! \o/