El Dante
Les Ferdinand
Having shared interests doesn't necessarily mean having the same opinion. To footballise this, say she likes football, she could support Chelsea or such like..so cue different opinions & banter. You could like same tv show & watching it gives you chance to give opinions, make jokes etc
On dates, it's never barrage of questions, if you do ask questions, it has to be with a bit of tongue in cheek. It's references to other stuff going on or about stupid jokes about the subject being discussed. Questions by themselves are additionally difficult as you run the risk of running too deep in to a subject that you don't care for, that or giving them the impression that you are desperate to find out stuff about them and, if agreeing with stuff constantly, desperate to be liked.
On dates, it's never barrage of questions, if you do ask questions, it has to be with a bit of tongue in cheek. It's references to other stuff going on or about stupid jokes about the subject being discussed. Questions by themselves are additionally difficult as you run the risk of running too deep in to a subject that you don't care for, that or giving them the impression that you are desperate to find out stuff about them and, if agreeing with stuff constantly, desperate to be liked.