Vivian Woodward
Does everyone remember Roberto soldado, the striker who wouldn't shoot?
Defoe is/was greedy and Kane may be a touch 'greedy' (whatever that actually means in the context of his role in the team being to score goals), but I'd sooner see them put their laces through it and test the keeper than have strikers who are looking for the intricate pass which is supposed to lay it on a plate....
Personal preference I know, but I think Harry Kane is the absolute cobblers of a player, and I won't hear a bad word said about the most exciting player we've had come through our academy in many years.
Training his greediness out of him would be utter madness
No one ( at least not me) is suggesting we train his greediness out of him ( ALL good strikers are greedy that is why they are good) but there are times during games when they need to look at passing if another player is open and with a better chance of scoring. He is still only 22 and players as good as him will get better as they get older and one of those things he WILL improve on is the ability to provide chances for other players to score ( when they are better positioned).