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Harry Kane MBE

Then why ask me for sources when I've already provided them? If the website were talksport or goal.com or one of the other trash football publications, I would never consider using it as a source (or reading the article, for that matter).

Because paper rumours are not fact, so when you said he wanted to leave I was wondering if you had anything more concrete. Its no deeper than that

Its not about being combative its a forum for discussion, I was asking where you asserted that he def wanted to leave as you were stating, I didn't see the sources you posted as that proof, thats all.

I am not naive and have already stated Kane may or may not want to leave
It really amazes me that there are STILL folks who get bent out of shape by what they read in the rags. That is bad enough but then base their FEELINGS,GUESSES on them. :rolleyes:

I enjoy speculation, I like to read what people are saying about Spurs, but to take anything as gospel and to form an overall view, negative or otherwise based on tabloid speculation seems an odd exit from reality for me. Especially when you consider the much known issues within the UK press when it comes to the truth and ethics.

There used to be a well touted line on here about believing things when the scarf is lifted about their head
I enjoy speculation, I like to read what people are saying about Spurs, but to take anything as gospel and to form an overall view, negative or otherwise based on tabloid speculation seems an odd exit from reality for me. Especially when you consider the much known issues within the UK press when it comes to the truth and ethics.

There used to be a well touted line on here about believing things when the scarf is lifted about their head

Must admit i have not heard/read that one. But i do agree with a lack of reality especially those who rely on T w a tt er for their opinions.
Must admit i have not heard/read that one. But i do agree with a lack of reality especially those who rely on T w a tt er for their opinions.

Its going to get 10x worse next year, Sky have pretty much replaced all their pundits with social media personalities, if you have seen any of their shows so far its all laced with rumours, lies and utter bile rather than real analysis and talking about the game as it is.

It shows by doing that just who the market is now...
Its going to get 10x worse next year, Sky have pretty much replaced all their pundits with social media personalities, if you have seen any of their shows so far its all laced with rumours, lies and utter bile rather than real analysis and talking about the game as it is.

It shows by doing that just who the market is now...

There are a few pundits on SKY who usually have a agenda ( or just like to wind up fans), but i agree with you about the social media. Sad to say they are doing it for money its the fools ( i am being kind there) who take all their brick and then pass it off as " it must be true". There really is some sad folks about.
There are a few pundits on SKY who usually have a agenda ( or just like to wind up fans), but i agree with you about the social media. Sad to say they are doing it for money its the fools ( i am being kind there) who take all their brick and then pass it off as " it must be true". There really is some sad folks about.

The issue with social media stars taking over the shows is that there is a huge push for controversy because it gains views and then money, and there is clout chasing to create drama.

To link it to Kane, none of these Spurs YT channels are saying Kane may or may not leave, no value in that...controversy sells
Because paper rumours are not fact, so when you said he wanted to leave I was wondering if you had anything more concrete. Its no deeper than that

Its not about being combative its a forum for discussion, I was asking where you asserted that he def wanted to leave as you were stating, I didn't see the sources you posted as that proof, thats all.

I am not naive and have already stated Kane may or may not want to leave
Sure, I come here for the discussion and that's why I've got no qualms defending my claims while trying to keep it. But dude... maybe I set too high a standard for the posters here but you're telling me the issue all along was just simple laziness? Don't get me wrong, I can relate but damn I thought I was bad. I've also been very reasonable but if you can't give me the respect of at least reading my posts yet still insisting on having to say something to me, then what's the point? That's a one-way street and you're hitting me with strawmen left and right about things I never said. Some people here are more interested in "winning a discussion" instead of simply having a discussion.


Personally, I thought Sky was somewhat reputable in terms of football sources. Bild is obviously German trash, that's why I didn't include it initially but I'll put it here for anyone who wants to see it. ESPN, however, I've seen only be wrong once over the many years I've been reading their articles. They do post lots of rumors and gossip on their "transfer talk blog" but I never share anything from there.

The unfortunate thing is I keep having to repeat myself here because some of you can't bother to read people's posts. We've got a field full of strawmen now.
I enjoy speculation, I like to read what people are saying about Spurs, but to take anything as gospel and to form an overall view, negative or otherwise based on tabloid speculation seems an odd exit from reality for me. Especially when you consider the much known issues within the UK press when it comes to the truth and ethics.

There used to be a well touted line on here about believing things when the scarf is lifted about their head
And of course, I also said that you take these with a grain of salt. I never said I believe this is gospel; this must be the information coming from someone's camp, I assume Kane's as he has the most to gain.
Basically same thing as above. To repeat, I have no stake in this. I care about Harry the human being, so as long as the club get something out of it whether that's one more year of his service or a lump of money, I wish him the best in his career. I'm thankful for everything he's done for us and I will keep supporting the club if he's here or not.
The problem isn't scarves over heads. Ironically, you're the one creating an alternate reality and twisting my words. My problem here is with certain individuals on this forum not being reasonable and offering mutual respect. I assure you that nothing in terms of the club upsets or bothers me. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing us in pre-season and watching how we play under Ange.
Sure, I come here for the discussion and that's why I've got no qualms defending my claims while trying to keep it. But dude... maybe I set too high a standard for the posters here but you're telling me the issue all along was just simple laziness? Don't get me wrong, I can relate but damn I thought I was bad. I've also been very reasonable but if you can't give me the respect of at least reading my posts yet still insisting on having to say something to me, then what's the point? That's a one-way street and you're hitting me with strawmen left and right about things I never said. Some people here are more interested in "winning a discussion" instead of simply having a discussion.


Personally, I thought Sky was somewhat reputable in terms of football sources. Bild is obviously German trash, that's why I didn't include it initially but I'll put it here for anyone who wants to see it. ESPN, however, I've seen only be wrong once over the many years I've been reading their articles. They do post lots of rumors and gossip on their "transfer talk blog" but I never share anything from there.

The unfortunate thing is I keep having to repeat myself here because some of you can't bother to read people's posts. We've got a field full of strawmen now.

Nothing to do with winning a discussion it's absolutely all about the discussion. IF you makes a definitive statement in that discussion that is a statement of fact you will be asked to back it up, that's how discussions work. There is a difference between "I think Kane will leave" and "Kane wants to leave". That's got nothing to do with an inability to read its all about the difference between a statement and an opinion.
The problem isn't scarves over heads. Ironically, you're the one creating an alternate reality and twisting my words. My problem here is with certain individuals on this forum not being reasonable and offering mutual respect. I assure you that nothing in terms of the club upsets or bothers me. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing us in pre-season and watching how we play under Ange.

Not sure what you are getting at here, the scarves over the head comment was about believing things when they happen not just speculation. It was not aimed at you. I have not had or still don't have any issue with you. I questioned one aspect of your post. There is most definitely a respect from me for all posters if I agree with them or not.
Not sure what you are getting at here, the scarves over the head comment was about believing things when they happen not just speculation. It was not aimed at you. I have not had or still don't have any issue with you. I questioned one aspect of your post. There is most definitely a respect from me for all posters if I agree with them or not.
In that case, apologies and I'm going to go touch some grass now.
Its going to get 10x worse next year, Sky have pretty much replaced all their pundits with social media personalities, if you have seen any of their shows so far its all laced with rumours, lies and utter bile rather than real analysis and talking about the game as it is.

It shows by doing that just who the market is now...
Don't forget the Skybet angle; hype up a nonsense rumour to get people laying bets.
I know teletext but these are quotes from high up

You have to believe the quote based on what's said as it was a direct interview, it does open up a massive saga now.

If they are talking to Kane, least admitting it then they seemingly have permission to do so otherwise its a odd thing to admit in public. I assume and emphasis assume they have made it public because talks at club level are stalling In negotiation and they wanna create pressure on Levy. The last comment certainly alludes to that.
He's a bit of a c**t for them quotes. Simon Jordan said the other day that his mate Levy was tinkled off when he found out about the whole Tuchel meeting. After this he'll be fuming, I shouldn't think it'll do Bayern any favours will it lol!
They are clearly rattled and know Kane is not forcing things from his end.
Either way it is disrespectful to talk about another teams player in that way. Agree a fee first.

It's the normal now, we have done it loads, difference is we haven't gone public, that's the part that's disrespectful

BUT it's the part that's gonna cost them more money now IMO