Les Howe
Some excellent points there. Nevertheless we are still lagging behind City in the spending league table. Over the past decade they have spent roughly twice as much as us and have basically two first team squads.
But like you say, one way or another we are likely going to struggle to match the Big Five Spenders. By the end of the decade their stadiums will all either match or exceed our capacity. On top of that they are able to legitimately monetise their substantially larger fanbases through shirt sales and the like. Hence, even if Enic sells to an Arab state, the playing field may remain uneven for some time to come
Social Media Football League Table
Combined total followers on Facebook, TikTok and Twitter (as at 25/02/2023)
Man U 150m
Chelsea 100m
Liverpool 92.4m
Man C 80.4m
Arsenal 76m
Tottenham 41.7m
Equally none of those clubs host NFL, concerts (as many as us), rugby finals nor have the f1 Partnership which will all mean more money towards the squad, if the new rules mean anything, by the time they take shape in the league, say 5 years, we will probably be the 2nd highest revenue makers behind United in terms of legitimate means of income.