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Glasgow Rangers

I was just about to ask why the fudge are the SFA and SPL going against all the other clubs by doing the right thing and forcing Rangers out of the leagues altogether and starting from the bottom like anyone else

I'm glad questions like this are finally being asked, albeit very belatedly, by many who may have swallowed the party line in the past and been blinded to the secret (and not so secret) agendas. Perhaps such blatant behaviour will finally lay to rest the notion that decades of institutionalised hatred and sectarianism, funny hand shakes, media manipulation by this politico-religious/secret society cabal was all just "ones as bad as the other" and the figment of "paranoid" imaginations.

The infectious boil is being lanced, and this is a good sign, but will not go easily, and by that I mean not just Rangers as a club but that very ethos (see aforementioned traits) which pervades an influential portion of Scottish society.

Masonic cliques, medieval notions of racial/religious supremacism and associated political, financial and media corruption have no place in modern secular society.

The demise of Rangers, their sporting proxy, will surely involve some death throes, but imo there will be light at the end of the process.
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Phil - judging from your previous posts on this thread in addition to the one above, you are clearly so very biased against Rangers (and in favour of Celtic) that I have to take your opinion with an enormous pinch of salt.

I hold no brief for either club and it strikes me that the panic and frantic manoeuvring at Scottish football headquarters is all about their own bottom line and the money that they will be haemorrhaging as a consequence of one of their only two marketable assets having been (rightly) exiled to the footballing wilderness for a minimum of three years.

As such, I suspect that there would be exactly the same level of panic and frantic manoeuvring had Celtic, rather than Rangers, been in the dock.
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Telegraph Sport @TelegraphSport

#SPL agree to invite Dundee to fill the space left by #Rangers
I'm glad questions like this are finally being asked, albeit very belatedly, by many who may have swallowed the party line in the past and been blinded to the secret (and not so secret) agendas. Perhaps such blatant behaviour will finally lay to rest the notion that decades of institutionalised hatred and sectarianism, funny hand shakes, media manipulation by this politico-religious/secret society cabal was all just "ones as bad as the other" and the figment of "paranoid" imaginations.

The infectious boil is being lanced, and this is a good sign, but will not go easily, and by that I mean not just Rangers as a club but that very ethos (see aforementioned traits) which pervades an influential portion of Scottish society.

Masonic cliques, medieval notions of racial/religious supremacism and associated political, financial and media corruption have no place in modern secular society.

The demise of Rangers, their sporting proxy, will surely involve some death throes, but imo there will be light at the end of the process.

You're right that Rangers and many of their fans are utterly scummy and detestable.

You do seem to be forgetting one thing though, their one saving grace is that they're very slightly less scummy and detestable than the Celtic fans ;)
You're right that Rangers and many of their fans are utterly scummy and detestable.

You do seem to be forgetting one thing though, their one saving grace is that they're very slightly less scummy and detestable than the Celtic fans ;)

I don't really want to get into all of the religious/political stuff, and maybe I do have a biased view with my Dad's side all Rangers fans, but part of me would have thought majority of neutrals from England for example would lean towards Rangers seeing as they are very pro British, sing GHod Save the Queen etc, or am I being naive?
I don't really want to get into all of the religious/political stuff, and maybe I do have a biased view with my Dad's side all Rangers fans, but part of me would have thought majority of neutrals from England for example would lean towards Rangers seeing as they are very pro British, sing GHod Save the Queen etc, or am I being naive?

I just lean against anyone who shows a basis of bigotry in their posts. Couldn't really give a toss either way.
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You're right that Rangers and many of their fans are utterly scummy and detestable.

You do seem to be forgetting one thing though, their one saving grace is that they're very slightly less scummy and detestable than the Celtic fans ;)

Too right. It's just a shame both clubs didn't bomb as that would give Scottish football the chance to properly rebuild. Sure there is going to be a loss of revenue over the next few years, but the SPL and SFA need to realise that they are never going to generate serious amounts of revenue across the board until they get a better brand of football and start developing their youth properly.
I don't really want to get into all of the religious/political stuff, and maybe I do have a biased view with my Dad's side all Rangers fans, but part of me would have thought majority of neutrals from England for example would lean towards Rangers seeing as they are very pro British, sing GHod Save the Queen etc, or am I being naive?

No, that's about right.

Rangers are Loyalists......and want a United Kingdom......Celtic fans are republicans and don't.

Englishmen should favour Rangers over Celtic as a rule....but generally we hate the Catholic/Protestant divide as it's caused us nothing but bother for 80 years!
I don't really want to get into all of the religious/political stuff, and maybe I do have a biased view with my Dad's side all Rangers fans, but part of me would have thought majority of neutrals from England for example would lean towards Rangers seeing as they are very pro British, sing GHod Save the Queen etc, or am I being naive?

You are being naive in my view.

First, when Rangers fans wave a Union Jack at Ibrox, it does not have the same meaning as you waving the same flag at a Jubilee party or when England/Andy Murray/British Olympians are performing. The latter is an entirely positive statement of patriotism. The former is partly that, but also partly a statement of cultural difference from the other side. There is a qualitative difference there in what waving that flag means. Just because it's the same flag doesn't change that.

And second, those cultural symbols you mention - the flag, the anthem - are part of Rangers' brand. It is not about a pure expression of what those symbols mean in themselves (patriotism), but rather an expression of who, specifically, Rangers FC are. It's the same in that respect as Liverpool fans singing YNWA, Manyoo fans wearing green and yellow scarves, Besiktas fans with their Welcome to Hell banners etc. etc. It's nationalistic symbolism appropriated as club colours. One might even suggest that it is an inappropriate use of national symbolism as self-serving decoration.

I make no value judgement in any of that. I am simply pointing out that the meanings of the symbols you mention are not entirely transferable between the Rangers hardcore and other Britons, and thus any sense of communion with them must be massively diluted.

Ed: Meant to add that everything I say there about Rangers could be used on Celtic and their use of Irish symbolism.
Soon to break on SSN:

Rangers transfer embargo accepted (by Sevco). Will kick in from Sept 1.
So, in a nutshell, Rangers can sign players from now until Sept 1, then 1 year player signing ban kicks in.
Also, SFA state they have full financial info from Sevco.
Too right. It's just a shame both clubs didn't bomb as that would give Scottish football the chance to properly rebuild. Sure there is going to be a loss of revenue over the next few years, but the SPL and SFA need to realise that they are never going to generate serious amounts of revenue across the board until they get a better brand of football and start developing their youth properly.

Tough to see how. Theres one city with enough people and disposable income to support two teams. There is a brick load of oil offshore but its running down. I think a US style structure with wage caps, transfer limits etc would spread the money out but that would be the end of the cash cow. If they wanted to sort it, they would have to abandon the current Glasgow centric money drain. That ecosystem is fudged but they cling to it like rats.
A stand-off over media rights and a possible stripping of titles threatens to scupper Rangers' hopes of Scottish Football Association membership.

The SFA said on Friday that the new Rangers agreed to a transfer embargo in return for a license to play.

BBC Scotland understands two obstacles remain before a deal can be agreed.

Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts and the SPL want the SFL to hand over Rangers' media rights.

There must be a five-way agreement between the SFA, SPL, Scottish Football League, old Rangers and new Rangers before any deal is ratified.

The SPL want an independent commission to rule on whether Rangers broke the rules during previous campaigns by paying players with so called side contracts.

They are due to hand over their findings to that commission on 10 August.

But Rangers fear an independent commission could strip them of titles and believe they have already been sufficiently punished.

The Rangers manager Ally McCoist has already said that he will never accept the stripping of titles.

It is understood the club will not sign up to the agreement with that threat hanging over them.

However, the SPL are digging their heels in over media rights.

It is believed broadcasters are not keen to sign up to an SPL deal without having the rights for Rangers in the Third Division.

For that reason, the SPL want the SFL to hand over the rights for a price.

They say that without the broadcasting deal in place, they cannot pay the SFL their annual £2m settlement fee that was agreed back in 1999 when the top clubs split from the league to form the SPL.

But Rangers and the SFL want to hold onto the rights and all parties are currently at a stand-off.

Talks will continue next week to try to find a solution but several parties involved believe a deal is a long way off.

Rangers are due to play their first match against Brechin in the Ramsdens Cup next weekend but that match cannot go ahead without SFA membership.

A Five way agreement?

That's really unlikely to happen.. What a shame..

Punished enough? Imo the club should no longer exist.
Plus if they want to strip Rangers titles it's not like the newco rangers should really have a say in it. If they broke the rules they should be stripped.

End of.
Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts and the SPL want the SFL to hand over Rangers' media rights.

The new Rangers want to stop the investigation. So much for the claim of wanting a fresh start.

The SPL demanding the media rights is just being greedy. They had the chance to accept the new Rangers in the SPL and now, having voted them out, want the TV money that rightly belongs to the SFL and are willing to use extortion to get their way.

The behaviour of various Rangers entities, the SPL clubs, and the frantic scrambling by the chiefs of the Scottish football organisations to rewrite the rules would be funny if it wasn't so damaging to Scottish football. Here they have a chance to reorganise Scottish football without the veto from the Old Firm and they are doing their best to avoid the opportunity.
Rangers want the Scottish Premier League to drop their investigation into dual contracts and the SPL want the SFL to hand over Rangers' media rights.

The new Rangers want to stop the investigation. So much for the claim of wanting a fresh start.

The SPL demanding the media rights is just being greedy. They had the chance to accept the new Rangers in the SPL and now, having voted them out, want the TV money that rightly belongs to the SFL and are willing to use extortion to get their way.

The behaviour of various Rangers entities, the SPL clubs, and the frantic scrambling by the chiefs of the Scottish football organisations to rewrite the rules would be funny if it wasn't so damaging to Scottish football. Here they have a chance to reorganise Scottish football without the veto from the Old Firm and they are doing their best to avoid the opportunity.

Wouldnt the media rights go to the team replacing Rangers? I think it is Dundee?