Scott Parker
Of course it will. But the people in the boardroom will walk away with money in their pockets. It'll be the fans who suffer; that's the problem. When @Bullet says:It will happen anyway. Every bubble bursts.
Clubs like Leeds, Portsmouth, Cheatski, Newcash that kept us out of European competition and stopped us winning trophies during vital years by massively overspending and subsequently felt the pain, deserve that pain
The implication seems to be that the people who made the decisions to overspend are feeling any "pain" at all. They're not. By and large those people remain wealthy dilettantes with little or no genuine love for the club they brought to its knees. If those who created the problem actually felt the pain, I wouldn't have an issue. But to suggest that some bloke who has been scraping together the money for a season ticket for the past 40 years "deserves" to feel the pain of board-decisions made by some speculator numpty who saw the club as a way to make a quick buck is just ridiculous in my view.
But we all have our opinions.