Re: Gareth Bale
To get this back on thread
Regardless of all the speculation and the bile spouted by various outlets, i think it is not that hard to read what is happening
1>Bale was happy to stay for another year and probably sign a new deal
2>The RM bile machine 'turned his head' and got him thinking....and some 'now or never' comments got him anxious
3>Bale met with Levy and both probably agreed that they would be happy if he stayed another year (and a nice wage increase) BUT if RM wanted to bid a ridiculous amount, that Levy found acceptable, he would inform Bale and if he felt comfortable with the move then Levy would sanction it and go with our blessing. Bale and Levy agreed to keep their heads down and Levy will keep Bale in the loop at all times
4>The only grey area here is if Levy mentioned figures he thought were acceptable (to Bale), as weeks ago 60-70m would feel acceptable (even to Levy) but now it has inflated to the 100m level Bale may be thinking that Levy demands are ridiculous and will never be met.
5>RM have been in contact and we have met for talks (no bids though) but imo they cannot finance the deal at the level and structure Levy demands.......and so that is where we are.
6>There is a bit of a conundrum for Levy though. From a rivals point of view RM are the best team to sell too. However as other posts/thread have alluded to this could be the last year to really get a ridiculous transfer fee for bale, but that has to be balanced up against RM ability to pay (if the reports are to be believed).
My solution would be 100m Euros. 40m up front and 20m a year for 3yrs after. With the clause that if they miss payment (even by 1 day) Bale returns to us. A bit like an expensive loan.
Written as if i was right there in all the meetings