Didn't bother with the blog, with work, a youngster in tow and the work on the allotment, my time was somewhat limited.
Blood, Fish and bone is a natural fertilizer like Manure.
There is a rating system for Fertlizers, basically called N P K percentages
N = Nitrogen = Promotes Green growth, so would be good for like Cabbage, Brussels ets
P = Phosphates = Promotes roots strength
K = Potash = Ripening fruits like Tomatoes, strawberries
You may see things such as Tomato liquid feed,
on the NPK scale look at this product. It shows a rating of 4 - 4.5 - 8. As you can see its high in Potash.
See the
blood fish and bone I have and its more of a balanced feed. •Nutrient content NPK 5 - 5 - 6
Blood Fish and Bone is an organic product.
Next December I will after cropping and nothing left to harvest I will place a good 10 inches of manure on each plot. Cover with tarpaulin or weed membrane and let nature take its course... that being improve texture and feed it ready for next March/April.