Taffy O'Callaghan
Looks kike we all got one, or two in my case. Classic TO
Just got an email inviting me to join as a 'Junior member'
Dear Xxxxx,
You're the Star! when you join us for the new season as a One Hotspur Junior Member.
Only a Bronze or Lilywhite Junior Member for the 2012/2013 Season* gets ticket priority and discounts for Premier League, Cup and European fixtures at Lane, and the chance to run out onto the famous turf as a matchday mascot.
I am 52 years old...........
I got that too. Would rather have got an email confirming I'd got a multi-ticket package but didn't get up in time this morning to attempt to log in and stare at the skid-mark of death for hours!
Lol when did you hear a top club putting their fans first,we pay £50 to become members to get a chance of buying a ticket and still get bricky service.Levy and the board will use the 'arsenal model' on how to extract as much money out of us,£50 a home shirt,£8 pie and chips,£5 for a pint.
With the new tv deals every other year,have the club given us anything back,mmmmmmmmm got a years spurs tv for free this time.
I haven't for some reason. It says I have to pay to get Spurs tv even though I've been a bronze member for at least 5 years.
I'm sure I read we will get sent an e-mail with a promo link that we need to enter to get the freeview,
I assume its due anytime now. But then again.....
The Skid Mark of death has started moving backwards. From 70% the way along i am now only 50%. Still i have only been on since 9:15 so i shouldn't expect miracles.
I know we'll still get a ticket tomorrow anyway, but it just makes a mockery of the so-called advantage of a priority window for a measly 1000 tickets.
I mean I dont know why we're bothering to watch the bar, the 1000 have probably gone now anyway
The Skid Mark of death has started moving backwards. From 70% the way along i am now only 50%. Still i have only been on since 9:15 so i shouldn't expect miracles.
Thank you for visiting the Tottenham Hotspur Ticketing Site.
The site is temporarily down for routine maintenance.
It has happened to me before with Utd. I got through on Bronze day & was in PL Upper row 12 or something, my mates could not get on & bought there in row 2 on Lillywhite day.
Bronze priority is a joke. Really.