Niko Kranjcar
Brilliant! Nice gesture on their part. Well done everybody. I might go across for a game to make sure my name's there.
I think we have a conference game on Thursday which means it gets moved automatically, official site hasn’t updated the confirmed moves in this list either?And what makes you say that? Given I've now purchased train tickets.....
Really annoyed that I filled this form in and hear nothing back from Spurs
Nothing as yet ST wiseNot received any emails on ST email pass, anyone else in same boat?
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
And what makes you say that? Given I've now purchased train tickets.....
I think we have a conference game on Thursday which means it gets moved automatically, official site hasn’t updated the confirmed moves in this list either?
Fans should note that due to our participation in the Europa Conference League in 2021/22 - and playing European matches on Thursday - Premier League matches immediately following a Europa Conference League fixture will move from Saturday to Sunday.
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If we progress to the group stage of the Europa Conference, the Villa game is on the Saturday after Match Day 2, the Club mentioned it may get moved if we progress
Don't know why Iliked these postsbut thanks both.
Going to have to change my tickets now
It's been that long since my ST has been useable I've jumped the gun. At least LNER are fairly reasonable with regards date changes/refunds.
Any ideas when it'll be confirmed?
We will know late Thursday 26th August for sure, but an emphatic win in the 1st leg on the 19th and we can probably gamble on it being moved. I can't make the game on Saturday myself due to work, but with the tickets going on sale on the 23rd I will be gambling we progress and logging on for 2 tickets
Will you get a new email for each game or will it automatically go into your wallet ??Had my ST pass come through this morning - think they said they were doing them in batches of 10,000? so everyone should have theirs soon hopefully.
The Club is still awaiting updates from the Premier League around final COVID-related plans but is anticipating opening at full capacity, with a full complement of away fans for our opening match against Emirates Marketing Project on Sunday 15 August. The Club will fully communicate arrangements in due course.
We then covered recent season ticket renewals and a breakdown of seats in the ground. The stadium capacity is now 62,850 in total but with seat kill across the segregation line and media requirements, the usable capacity is more around the 62,000 mark. We have 42,000 season ticket holders, 8,000 premium seats and 3,000 away fans typically, with c 7,000 tickets available for One Hotspur Members. The rest are media, partners, players and staff allocation. Renewal rates for the coming season stand at 95% for Season Ticket holders, with 500 deferrals.
In terms of seat relocations, the Club has moved c 7,500 of 9,000 applications across last summer and this summer. It intends to offer seat moves each summer in the future, where available.
Discussions moved onto the introduction of a fully digital ticketing system from August, whereby stadium access cards will no longer be in use. Instead match tickets will be activated within Google and Apple wallets on smartphones. We stressed the need for the Club to fully articulate how the digital ticketing system will work in practice, and where fans should direct any concerns. The Club agreed to share communications with us ahead of publication. We said fans without smartphones had been raising concerns and, after some discussion, were reassured issues could be properly handled on a case-by-case basis.
Providing the stadium opens at full capacity again, Ticket Exchange will open at the Club’s discretion and after Members’ on-sale dates, as was the case before COVID. Ticket Share will be fully functional as pre pandemic, also. We stressed the need to explain clearly how Ticket Share, in particular, works for those wanting to informally pass on their tickets to friends and family. It was agreed that the guidance on Ask Spurs was excellent for Ticket Share but needed better signposting as many fans were still unaware that the platform existed.
As for away ticketing, we stressed that while most fans agreed that allocating by ticketing points was the fairest method, a majority were now out of patience with the constant buying and selling on for points which undermined the entire principle of the system. Work is underway at Premier League level to trial and eventually move all away ticketing to a digital system, which would work to the same principles as the home experience. This would go a long way to eliminating the selling on of away tickets and to ironing out the malpractice that has become all too common over recent seasons.
As previously agreed, the Club confirmed it will be publicising its Sanctions and Banning Policy for ticket offences in every away match attenders email for the coming season, to make sure fans selling on or passing on tickets are aware they face an immediate deduction of 50% of ticketing points for a first offence.
Other areas covered on the call included the Gold Cup scheme - we lobbied for the Europa Conference League games to be excluded from any Gold scheme; for all Cup games next season to be kept out of categorisation; for as high a number as possible of Category C matches in the Premier League calendar to keep the entry price as low as possible for those less affluent supporters on as many occasions as possible; to review the concessionary pricing policy and particularly the cap on where concessions are permitted around the ground. We’ll update on those discussions shortly.
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Interesting to see if/when anything comes from the plans for digital tickets for away fans across all PL clubs.
Will you get a new email for each game or will it automatically go into your wallet ??