You have been to Cuba and seen the way grass roots talent is developed with very limited resources? The reason I mentioned Ballet is you can't become a lead dancer at the worlds elite Ballet companies dancing on the streets. There is a huge amount of 'coaching' and training involved at a grass roots level to produce these one-off stars. Most nations with a similar population to Cuba don't have as many elite sports people appearing every year. The way you almost arogently dismiss any lesson that could be learnt is symptomatic of a bloated, entitled FA that thinks the answers are to be found in throwing cash at the problem in the short term, rather than innovating. Harsh but probably true. You will have a greater insight than I.
Disposing of the stadium is not leaner, its a poorer FA long term. Why can't the FA organise concerts FFS? The money is going back into grass roots after all. How can Levy do it with WHL, or the arse with the vacuous emerites?
You're clearly loyal to the FA having worked there, and I respect that. There are many many many worse associations! Maybe you could estimate the revenue generated by Wembley per year, and calculate how many years a 600m buy out would take to 'break even'. For example, Wembley this season might have revenue of £50m from NFL, £50m from Spurs, £50m from Internationals, £50m from concerts. The operating costs took 50%, so it generated £100m profit say. That would mean after 6 years the FA would be down on this deal. Now maybe Wembley is run badly, the operating costs are not sufficiently controlled, and they are not attracting enough concerts etc. A true private company would deal with that, and generate profit, why can't the FA?
If the FA is a private limited company it suggests that a few individuals will probably walk away from a £600m windfall with a nice little nest egg for themselves. The premise of 'grass roots' investment is therefore a sham. Going through the motions. I'd suggest you do look at a country like Cuba who have simple but effective grass roots facilities and do it with passion and no money!
I agree its not the FA's job to invest in sport Government needs to be involved, but the FA are trying to justify selling off a nation's asset with 'grass roots investment'.