Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
Simple they don't give the clubs event licences. No police for games etc...
Should they be able to? Yes. The clubs would be creating monopolies with barrier to entry. Anti competition laws are also in place. The independent fan review has also been done and sone of the recommendations can be written into law.
It's the local authority that gives the event licences, not the government? And policing is also in liaison with the local authorities. I can't see the government trying to stop that, as they'd be stopping football taking place - not exactly on the side of the fans.
If there's an anti-competitive situation, then there is already legislation in place to deal with that - government could refer clubs to the CMA, who would make a judgement. But the government itself (as in Secretary of State) wouldn't be putting the block on.
Fan led review could lead to additional legislation - I remain sceptical however that that will happen - I don't believe the government has any intention of getting bogged down in the minutiae of the structure of football competition, plus it's highly likely any legislation would be rushed, ill-thought out and would end up being detrimental to PL clubs compared to their European peers.
In any event, I think any future iteration of a super league will have been tweaked to make it more open to entry, at least on paper, so the anti-competitive angle will be less relevant.