Andy Sinton
Hung out with the rich and famous via him, Ibiza parties etc etc. Never slept with him. Tho had plenty of' opportunityOnly have good things to say about the fella. Really feel bad for him. He's one of the best living actors and got lumped in as the male version of Harvey Weinstein. Which was unfair. Sure he was 'opportunist' but nowhere near as rapey as Weinstein. It is lonely at the top, and you can't pop a profile up on Tinder - or Grinder - especially if you're not out. Sad how he's been associated with Weinstein as he was nowhere near that. There are no convictions and nothing other than anecdotes about how he was forward or pinched a few arses when out and about! A loss to film and theatre. One day we'll see that Getty film with him in, must be a vastly better movie.
I dunno if being nowhere near as rapey as Harvey Weinstein means he escapes criticism!
It does seem like there’s a trend where it would happen when ever he’s drunk but you’d imagine he’d be able to remember at least one of those occasions for him to learn his lesson from.
Putting aside morality - it seems like as a simple matter of preservation drinking over a certain limit when you know there’s a chance you might make a pass at an underage boy is not a good idea.