No it was a point originally about it easy being critical of a board when they don't sign every player a fan wants because those fans are never accountable for the failures. So when they cry, in example, about missing out on a Coutinho not once will those same fans say "maybe I was wrong about it" but many will still use it as a point score on Enic out. That was the original point, not about opinions, maybe read it before trying to make out someone is lying about what they have and have not seen written online chap.
I didn’t say you were lying, I said some sort of ENIC out fan base crying en masse about not signing Coutinho or Rodrigues was a fallacy and something I had seen no evidence off.
once you clarified what you meant was a couple of posts on a few message boards is what you meant, I corrected myself
Anyhow, time to make room for others to carry the convo on here of which I am sure there will be loads after tonight.