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Diego Simeone

Very good manager. Shame to have to dislike him at Chelsea if he goes there...

Will be interesting to see how he will evaluate the size of the Chelsea player's balls. And how the egos attached to said balls will find life working under Simeone.
Costa will flourish under him next season. Think we're only seeing half the player this year, which considering he still scores enough, is ominous.
Costa will flourish under him next season. Think we're only seeing half the player this year, which considering he still scores enough, is ominous.

Costa will almost certainly flourish. But how about Hazard and Fabregas? Arguably their two best players when on form and Hazard is arguably their only truly world class player... Willian should be a good fit, but how about Pedro? How about Oscar? Similar stories to an extent at the back. Quite a few players past their best, though I imagine he'll like Azpilicueta.
What/how does Simeone operate that makes him different to Mourinho?
I'm talking only about on-field tactics/approaches and NOT any off-the-field stuff..
I think those Sunday Supplement guys said he wouldn't bit a good fit for Abramovich, Can't remember why they said it though...

The next few seasons are gonna be crazy. Mourinho, Simeone, Pep, Klopp, along with all the other clubs that now seem to be able to attract better players than ever before
My brother married into a family of atletico fans and I've seen a good bit of them. His football is a bit industrial IMO but as others have said it should suit Costa down to the ground.

Actually I'd be a little surprised if that was the russian's choice considering what is perceived to be his preferred footballing style.
If we didnt have Poch he is who i would want. Abit annoying if he has actually gone to that circus.
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The more i think about this story the more i think it's BS...

Apparently the source of it in Spain is a pro-Real Madrid TV show; plus i read somewhere that Atletico are moving into their new statium later this year (or next year) and he said he wanted to be around for that.
There there's the fact that he'd be going from a CL club likely to be in with a shout of the La Liga title to a rebuilding job under an owner that can't spell the word Patience AND wants attractive football Pep-style AND is in a far more competitive league where Top 4 is not as assured as it is likely to be for Atletico..

Nah, i smell BS...
The more i think about this story the more i think it's BS...

Apparently the source of it in Spain is a pro-Real Madrid TV show; plus i read somewhere that Atletico are moving into their new statium later this year (or next year) and he said he wanted to be around for that.
There there's the fact that he'd be going from a CL club likely to be in with a shout of the La Liga title to a rebuilding job under an owner that can't spell the word Patience AND wants attractive football Pep-style AND is in a far more competitive league where Top 4 is not as assured as it is likely to be for Atletico..

Nah, i smell BS...

Could be...

But remember it would also be a move from a club that regularly gets it's best players poached, to a club that does the poaching. And along that financial spending power he would get there's also the question of outright salary...

Unless he thinks he can get a job at one of the big 3 in Europe (Real, Barca, Bayern) Chelsea are about as big a step up the hierarchy as he can expect to get.
It could be true he is probably the biggest name they could get .The Italian managers they are linked with are a bit meh compared to Simione.Could be like the Mourinho stories where telling his friends he would like the job becomes he has agreed to the job.We shall see in Athletico deny the story.
now that's a manager, I don't think there's a more difficult job in football than breaking the duopoly that is Madrid and Barca.
now that's a manager, I don't think there's a more difficult job in football than breaking the duopoly that is Madrid and Barca.

Very impressive for sure. And he's managed to keep them up at that level for some time, not just a one off season where everything went their way. Despite losing key players he's kept them competitive and at or around that level...
I wonder if Chelsea have actually ever considered appointing Hiddink permanently?!?

Seems the ideal candidate for a couple of seasons, steady the ship and challenge on all fronts from next season.
I wonder if Chelsea have actually ever considered appointing Hiddink permanently?!?

Seems the ideal candidate for a couple of seasons, steady the ship and challenge on all fronts from next season.

Hiddink is too smart to accept the job long term. He's rich enough/old enough to know better. Gets his Premier League fix and avoids the stress of being solely responsible for competing for the title/CL.
What/how does Simeone operate that makes him different to Mourinho?
I'm talking only about on-field tactics/approaches and NOT any off-the-field stuff..

Have to say I haven't seen much of Simeone up against teams other than some of the best teams in Europe. In those games his approach has naturally been fairly similar to Mourinho's in that it's been defence first. But to me they have seen more willing to press high up the pitch against top class opponents than Mourinho's teams have been. Thought often Simeone also sits his teams deep.

Watched most of their game against PSV yesterday. One striking difference to Mourinho's teams was playing two strikers. Again though many similarities. Keeping it safe at the back as a priority, extremely hard working midfielders and a very solid defensive unit.