Terry Naylor
Dele could thrive again when we have a fit team if we play a way that suits him but I think even then he may be usurped by Lo Celso and Bergwein playing the role he used to occupy. Dele works in a 4-2-3-1 off the striker In the 3. Lo Celso could take the Eriksen role and I’d start Bergwein and Son there too myself.Playing him deeper doesn't get the best out of him but its been/being done for the benefit of the team.
The last 18 months have been done to death, World Cup, injuries, playing all around the midfield etc.
I've highlighted his stats with Kane this season - 6 in 12 with a few assists....and that's without a form playmaker like Eriksen. With Kane back in and GLC now picking up the creative work he will be fine with a bit of patience.
But we haven’t had a chance yet to play Lo Celso playing well with Kane for a start so that can only be a big improvement and having Dele as an option too could be brilliant