Steffen Freund
Or learning how to play through a bit of pain. See Pochs comments re; Winks.The only dumb thing is Dele for playing on if thats the case....
Winners play with minor injuries.
Or learning how to play through a bit of pain. See Pochs comments re; Winks.The only dumb thing is Dele for playing on if thats the case....
Playing through/managing pain is different to playing when injured. My evil step-dad always used to tell me to 'run on it', so when I threw my ankle out I 'ran on it', except it was severe ligament damage that put me out of action for 6 months. Dele feeling a strain and continuing to play is not clever and is different to the Winks situation (as it has been presented).Or learning how to play through a bit of pain. See Pochs comments re; Winks.
Winners play with minor injuries.
Out for a month injured apparently.
Mother Farmer, that is a shame. What's wrong with him, general wear and tear, same thing as the injury he got early in that England game and proceeded to play the full game, twunt-style?
Mm. Independent are seemly breaking that story.
Another flaw in the “can’t improve the first 11” argument
Players get injured