Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
Nowhere have i said i do/did not want to win the CL, as good/top players win trophys it gives them the incentive to win bigger/more. Qualifying for the CL is not going to keep players at the same club, you mentioned Sanchez and there have been others who have left the Arse because of the same reasons.
But i guess we are not going to agree over this, one last question how many CL medals have players at Arsenal won, or City. Do you expect us to win the CL in our first few attempts? Winning things for good players becomes a habit and winning the first trophy is generally the hardest. We should not turn our nose up at any trophy like some fans do, thankfully it seems our players are not as selective as some fans seem to be.
No I agree winning things is important and it breeds hunger but we're going to have to become serious title contenders year in year out if we want to keep players like Alli.
For the record, I would take the FA cup over finishing 2nd, as long as we still finish in the top 4.