Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
This article from Seb Stafford-Bloor sums up the confusion many feel over Danny's pronouncements.
No conclusions, just perplexity as to why.
Extract :
...And to achieve that [wanting to leave and earn more money] he’s willing to sit out the remaining months of a contract which he - apparently - remains insulted by and to spend whatever is left of his prime playing for a team that he wants to leave. And he wants to do that, in part, out of loyalty to Mauricio Pochettino who, by his acknowledgement, has shown great faith in him. A faith, not incidentally, that he's repaying by repeatedly airing these grievances in public and making the atmosphere Pochettino is contending with that much more toxic.
No conclusions, just perplexity as to why.
Extract :
...And to achieve that [wanting to leave and earn more money] he’s willing to sit out the remaining months of a contract which he - apparently - remains insulted by and to spend whatever is left of his prime playing for a team that he wants to leave. And he wants to do that, in part, out of loyalty to Mauricio Pochettino who, by his acknowledgement, has shown great faith in him. A faith, not incidentally, that he's repaying by repeatedly airing these grievances in public and making the atmosphere Pochettino is contending with that much more toxic.