Michael Carrick
Sorry, I don't want to seem like I'm ragging on you.
For me, without any facts I can't draw conclusions, without conclusions, I can have no concerns. In time we'll find out some of what happened, we'll get some facts and can work from there.
Personally, I think it's obvious what happened too (), we've already given the job to Rodgers, it was done within hours of sacking Jose.
Ok, I see what you are saying. All I'm saying is, I don't think what I'm suggesting is majorly unrealistic. You're right that we don't know, but I don't see any plausible explanations otherwise for a guy perfectly happy to stick it out at Ajax for another year, other than him deciding the job wasn't quite right for him.
I think it's possible to be concerned to an extent by looking at what we think our standing should be, looking at which candidates can meet that standing, and seeing whether it looks like we are going to make it work. I wasn't in any of those meetings that may or may not have happened, but in my opinion I think it's a pretty realistic scenario that played out.
And if we do end up getting Rodgers, and were able to attract him from a club doing as well as Leicester have done, I will be happy. Whether or not I want him specifically, it will at least show we are capable of attracting someone from a club who could argue they aren't too far behind us. It would show our standing is high, that the pitch we have is a good one, that we expect to be a clear level up on Leicester. I know you were being facetious, but I'd be really happy with Rodgers, at least from that perspective.