Finney Is Back
Colin Calderwood
1. Because they don’t have the demand (West Ham’s ultra low ticket prices are testament to what happens when a club without the fanbase build (or in their case inherit) a big stadium. Most PL clubs don’t really actually need a much bigger stadium, nor do they have the corporate demand that helps pay for it.again, you make it sound really simple, there are loads of clubs who would benefit from a new stadium, why are they not doing this?
2. Finding a site/planning permission. Stadiums sit on big pieces of land, it is difficult to find and acquire those close to good transport links. Such projects tend to need CPOs which are often difficult and time consuming to get.
3. Cost. If we look at our project in its entirety it is thought to have cost £1.2 billion. If you looked to finance that and capitalize that whole amount over 25 years then even at the incredibly low average interest rate of 2.66% then that is £66m a year of repayments. THFC met around 40% of the stadium costs through profit made by the football club’s operations. Most clubs do not operate at profit levels that would allow this and for many clubs diverting transfer funds to pay for their new stadium as we did would likely lead to relegation and then vastly reduced funds. For us it instead led to reduced trophies and going from a CL club back to a Europa League club for a period of a (currently) unknown length of time.