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No offence mate, but this sort of reaction is the problem. Being fat isn’t bad, what’s bad is pointing out that fat is bad. We shouldn’t taunt people who struggle with weight, but honestly if you’re asking me if we can do more then I’d say 100% the government and politicians should talk about it more at the very least. It’s not about shaming people but they also need to have some skin in the game. People can’t eat as much as they want and as bricky a food as they want and expect the government to cover the bill. It’s not a coincidence that countries with thinner populations like Japan, Singapore and South Korea have fewer covid deaths whereas countries like the UK and America have been hit harder. Maybe more advertising from the government promoting exercise. As I said before, the best defence you can have against illness is a healthy immune system. Obviously you can’t do anything about your genetics and people do just get what they get sometimes despite being healthy but that was milk always be the case. My dad had not the best diet but wasn’t more than a massively overweight, he also never drank alcohol or smoked and still got bowel cancer at 59 so it’s pot luck sometimes.

Genuinely Not sure what point you are trying to make Jurgen. As I said obesity is talked about ad infinitum. There is no shortage of talk about healthy lifestyles personally sometimes I find it a bit preachy tbh. The points you're making about obesity in the UK are well known and have been regularly made over the last 20 years. It's not really the place of politicians to go on TV and tell us to lose weight! No one would listen to them anyway. It feels like you're trying to be angry about something that isn't an issue. I don't think anyone is trying to be PC.
Genuinely Not sure what point you are trying to make Jurgen. As I said obesity is talked about ad infinitum. There is no shortage of talk about healthy lifestyles personally sometimes I find it a bit preachy tbh. The points you're making about obesity in the UK are well known and have been regularly made over the last 20 years. It's not really the place of politicians to go on TV and tell us to lose weight! No one would listen to them anyway. It feels like you're trying to be angry about something that isn't an issue. I don't think anyone is trying to be PC.

Because it’s a major factor in why so many have died from covid but it doesn’t get talked about enough. Boris mentioned it (partly because he got seriously ill and said it was a wake up call for him to lose weight) but I don’t hear the government as a whole or the NHS talk enough about obesity being a key factor in our shocking death total from this disease.
Because it’s a major factor in why so many have died from covid but it doesn’t get talked about enough. Boris mentioned it (partly because he got seriously ill and said it was a wake up call for him to lose weight) but I don’t hear the government as a whole or the NHS talk enough about obesity being a key factor in our shocking death total from this disease.

Then how do you know it's a factor? Because they have talked about it. But the media like susan reid jump on it and accuse the government of calling everyone fat. Because the media can't have a grown up conversation about anything without turning it into a political dig.
The uk isn't even in the top 20 deaths per capita for covid. We're 29th. Many countries don't have good testing or records of deaths. This week the congress in india accused the government of lying about the amount of deaths from covid. They said there were actually 30 times theamount of deaths than officially recorded. Even 10x as many would put indias death rate above the uk.

So yes we are a nation of fatties. But we are by no means the worst effected country.
Because it’s a major factor in why so many have died from covid but it doesn’t get talked about enough. Boris mentioned it (partly because he got seriously ill and said it was a wake up call for him to lose weight) but I don’t hear the government as a whole or the NHS talk enough about obesity being a key factor in our shocking death total from this disease.
Because it is not a more important risk factor than age, ethnicity, immune status, socio economic group or job. With respect, you are overplaying it's importance to illustrate a point about political correctness.
obesity is a symptom of metabolic dysfunction and past a certain point compounds dis-ease. metabolic dysfunction is multi-factorial and includes hormonal dysfunction, microbiome dysbiosis, genetics/epigenetics and the obesogenic environment we currently inhabit.
The uk isn't even in the top 20 deaths per capita for covid. We're 29th. Many countries don't have good testing or records of deaths. This week the congress in india accused the government of lying about the amount of deaths from covid. They said there were actually 30 times theamount of deaths than officially recorded. Even 10x as many would put indias death rate above the uk.

So yes we are a nation of fatties. But we are by no means the worst effected country.
The excess deaths figures for India should be the indication, no idea what that is, but I’d be stunned if it wasn’t a number well in to the millions.
The excess deaths figures for India should be the indication, no idea what that is, but I’d be stunned if it wasn’t a number well in to the millions.

Unfortunately not all deaths are recorded. Towns and villages the family sometimes deals with it on their own.
Some african countries they estimate around 10% of deaths are recorded.
Doubt we'll ever find the true figure of covid. Definitely more than official figure.
So 6 cases of omicron in scotland.

Guess we've just got to hope it does give milder symptoms and vaccines work now.

I'd imagine there are already hundreds of cases throughout the UK. Likely to be thousands by next week if the R rate is 2, as has been reported.
I'd imagine there are already hundreds of cases throughout the UK. Likely to be thousands by next week if the R rate is 2, as has been reported.

So far they seem mild with some symptoms but isolating at home. Scotland are investigating another 150 suspected cases.
Because it is not a more important risk factor than age, ethnicity, immune status, socio economic group or job. With respect, you are overplaying it's importance to illustrate a point about political correctness.

But we can’t control our age, ethnicity, immune status. People can control their own health to an extent. I just think the authorities have missed an opportunity to try and get the public in better shape. I’ll admit PC is a peeve of mine :D we live in an era when weight watchers change their name to WW. The weight loss people can’t/don’t want to mention weight loss.
So far they seem mild with some symptoms but isolating at home. Scotland are investigating another 150 suspected cases.

Looks like its been here at least two weeks, and they are having to revisit old tests because they didn't know what they were looking for.
Looks like its been here at least two weeks, and they are having to revisit old tests because they didn't know what they were looking for.
I bet thousands have had it already yet hospitalizations and deaths are still on the same trend as they have been for months now
I bet thousands have had it already yet hospitalizations and deaths are still on the same trend as they have been for months now

It might even be the reason why those two have been dropping recently, rather than staying stable like they had.

The South Africans are saying the symptoms are fatigue and aches, but no lung/oxygen drop problems so far
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