Johnny Morrison
You can't just times it by 4 though. A large proportion of the 25% who had it were the old and vulnerable, as hospitals and care homes were the main vectors for it.
Evidence please for your claim that ‘a large proportion of the 25% who had it were the old and vulnerable’. I’ll be happy to look at any links you can provide to support what you say.
And I’d agree that you can’t just times it by four - that doesn’t take account of the collapse of the NHS which would undoubtedly have happened should lockdowns not have been imposed. The effects of that would have seen large numbers of people dying from heart attacks, strokes and other things needing emergency attention, in addition to all of those presenting at hospitals with covid who wouldn’t have been able to access treatment.
So, yes, multiplying by four is probably an underestimate.
I think a lot of the time they do it to feed their ego's in the public eye too
Things are going well, we've 10 days of lovely sunshine coming up, people are happy
Ah lets keep saying we might have to push back lockdown 4 to the end of July
I think some of them get a massive kick out of it
Yes, that’s what highly educated scientists were doing by giving their advice - trying to give themselves kicks.