Seedy Ron
Pedro Mendes
Sounds like "Dr" Chich is still doing the rounds. They've still not caught up with him...I take it you think the NHS app should also hold your penis size measurements taken at your last general health check?
Sounds like "Dr" Chich is still doing the rounds. They've still not caught up with him...I take it you think the NHS app should also hold your penis size measurements taken at your last general health check?
No i don't think i am. If you say showing vaccine status on an NHS app is fine "because the NHS holds our medical records" then you should be fine with an NHS App being able to hold anything related to your health/healthcare history.
I'm happy to hear where you draw the line though
How’s about you just don’t download the app.
Don't worry, I haven't and won't; i was just challenging the notion that medical records should just be available on the NHS App "just because" the NHS holds medical information on a person and i was curious to find out where a line is drawn..
You are OK to have your medical records available on an online database but not on a device you have and an app you can see. Cool.
End May/Early JuneWhen are they announcing the next update to the Green list of countries? Has it been mentioned?
Was on a call earlieri mentioned other day about test and trace being brick. Basically testing we're doing ok on, tracing is garbage.
Haha, i see how you could slip very easily into GDPR breaches very frequently.
I'll leave it there.
Edit - P.S. - What online database??
Unlikely to run into any DPA issues as you give consent when setting up a profile on the app.
We have our bank accounts on our phones.
I dare many people have their payslips and NI no's somewhere on their phone too.
Depends on when consent was asked for: it seems that the NHS app has been updated to include details such as mental health history, lifestyle, ethnic origin, biometric data, history of criminal behavior (plus alleged criminal behavior!). Wasn't the NHS app something people were asked to download to book appointments and show your covid-19 vaccination history? Did the privacy notice when it was being downloaded really tell the user that this was also what the app would do?
Situation creep imo...
Not sure what app you're looking at but none of what you are saying is on mineDepends on when consent was asked for: it seems that the NHS app has been updated to include details such as mental health history, lifestyle, ethnic origin, biometric data, history of criminal behavior (plus alleged criminal behavior!). Wasn't the NHS app something people were asked to download to book appointments and show your covid-19 vaccination history? Did the privacy notice when it was being downloaded really tell the user that this was also what the app would do?
Situation creep imo...