Chris Jones
I'm loving being confined to my [very nice] home.
Normally I would have to drive in and out of work for a total each day of up to 3 hours - totally wasted time.
Normally I would be surrounded by d**kheads and loudmouths and interruptions and bovine gossip and porcine manners.
At home I've just got my family bringing me food and drink while I crack on. So busy at the moment! My work is just carrying on delivering projects won in the last few months.
I'm sure that will all change soon as work dwindles, but for now we are extremely busy.
Just a shame I've been so busy while the weather has been so nice.
Our village feels like the 1920s again with lots of people going for a walk down the road, and hardly any traffic.
Normally I would have to drive in and out of work for a total each day of up to 3 hours - totally wasted time.
Normally I would be surrounded by d**kheads and loudmouths and interruptions and bovine gossip and porcine manners.
At home I've just got my family bringing me food and drink while I crack on. So busy at the moment! My work is just carrying on delivering projects won in the last few months.
I'm sure that will all change soon as work dwindles, but for now we are extremely busy.
Just a shame I've been so busy while the weather has been so nice.
Our village feels like the 1920s again with lots of people going for a walk down the road, and hardly any traffic.