Vivian Woodward
We are in the current situation because the government didnt act quick enough, by following these simple actions they could have contained the virus:
1 As soon a they were aware on virus they should have closed all entry to UK to everyone (including any UK citizens abroad).
2 round up anyone who had been abroad or met anyone who had been abroad in the previous 4 weeks and place them in isolation camps.
3. Round up anyone who had met anyone who had been abroad in the previous 4 weeks and place them in isolation camp.
4 Round up anyone who had been on any form of transport that had been touched by anyone who had been abroad in the previous 4 weeks and place them in isolation camp.
5.Round up anyone that had touched any product or post that had been imported in the previous 4 weeks and place them in isolation. camp.
6 Round up all the arseholes who think they know how they would have done it any better put them on TV 24 hours a day.
7 Order the 27 people who don't fit into these conditons to stay in doors and await further instructions.
These few simple actions would have saved everything from the present chaos.
And even doing all those things would not stop some from moaning about the goverment.