I still don't go along with the 'he's not trying because he doesn't want to be here' narrative. Like everyone else I have been exasperated at the way he has been playing but for me it's just too simplistic to jump to the conclusion he is deliberately short-changing us.
Call me naive but I simply refuse to accept that Eriksen is that type of bloke. Anyone who has watched him closely over these past five or six years must surely know that is just not the man. Distracted he may be but lazy and dishonest he is not. For me it just does not compute.
My worry is that there may be something more serious going on with him. That, Just as
@Bullet suspects, he is suffering from some form of depression bought about by the way his decision to eschew a new contract and start looking elsewhere seems to have so seriously backfired on him.
Especially as it has resulted in many of the fans turning on him. For someone who has given so much to the club for what nowadays is considered a long time, that must hurt badly.
Depression is one of those things that you may be unaware you are suffering from. And even when you do become aware, you are probably going to do your level best to conceal it.
But to the narrative that he has simply given up trying, my suspicion is that the exact opposite may be the case: that he is actually trying too hard.
Maybe because his mind is so perversely trapped in the vortex of depression, the harder he tries, the more he struggles. Energy and control suffers whilst mistakes increase when the mind is battling too many misgivings and preoccupations.
It annihilates clear-headedness.
Of course I could be totally barking up the wrong tree (or maybe just plain barking

) but whatever it is that is going on with him, it is happening under the intense gaze of the media and the fans, and that is only ever going to make matters worse.
Poch came out midweek doing his best to stroke his ego with extraordinary statements along the lines that he is just as good now as he's ever been. We all know that is utter rubbish and so no doubt does Poch, but why not give it a try?
Who knows it might just do the trick.
Sadly I'm not holding my breath.