Steffen Freund
I said it's poor advice because you made a blanket statement.You say that's poor advice, but then explain exactly why I said it. Have you ever extended a lease with 90 years or less remaining?
It's fine to buy with a lease under 125 years as long you know what that means.
Of course not - letting the lease go sub 90 years is something to avoid (unless you're made of money, of course - even then you'd just extend before 90years to avoid marriage value).
I do, however, have a lease with 98 years remaining and understand the current balance between making sure I can afford to extend it Vs waiting to see what the practicalities of the LHRA act are.
As I said, if the price drops reflect the lease length, it could be good.
If the price pushes the buyers finances, then he needs to be aware that he is likely to need thousands of £ (no idea of the actual purchase price - so whether this is 5 or 15k is guess work) to pay for lease extension.