Bobby Zamora
You seem to be ignoring that he was tried in a South African court under a South African legal system and within a South African Cultural context.
Most of the legal experts were predicting he would be convicted of Culpable Homicide and receive the kind of sentence he has.
The same crime here would have produced a murder conviction and a much longer sentence, but the crime didn't take place here.
A lengthy custodial sentence is not always the right sanction. The idea is to punish the crime, have some kind of deterrent and rehabilitate the criminal.
He basically destroyed his own life as well doing what he did and he's a strong candidate for suicide at some point. By the time he's able to race again he'll be too old and won't be accepted by the public anywhere anyway, and he'll struggle to find another equivalent means of earning such an amount of money. No worthwhile brand will touch him with a barge pole.
Hey Bonsai, firstly I think you missed my sarcasm/humorous intent ( probably more a reflection on me than you !) but following on from your reply, "the idea is to punish the crime, have some sort of deterrent and rehabilitate the criminal" ... What punishment would you suggest is suitable for killing your girlfriend? What deterrent has now been published? And why should a killer be rehabilitated ?
I would suggest the punishment did not reflect the severity of the crime, the opposite effect for deterrent has now been achieved, and I would personally not want murderers ( as you rightly pointed out would be the title over in the uk or most 1st world countries) rehabilitated when they have been proven to be guilty of such a crime, have had evidence provided of similar actions (re guns) and have done nothing in life to warrant any sympathy over whether they can rebuild their career or not.
My opinion, he paid a lot of money to get off lightly for a crime that in any just system would have him sewing mailbags for at least 20 years.