I'm honoured. I went to the supermarket today and he was there. I took steffs advice and said hello mate to the guy and he was very friendly. Starting talking to him and he told me he was living in a local hostel and having to sell the big issue to make ends meet. I spoke to him for about 10 minutes and he seemed a decent guy. Told me he was looking for work all the time so I gave him the number for William Hill recruitment (free phone) and wished him good luck. Bought a big issue and told him to keep the fiver.
So, it turns out I was prejudiced against this guy purely and simply cos he was foreign. I can't deny this and have genuinely learnt something from this.
I, again genuinely, wish to apologise to anyone I have offended in this thread or beyond. Immigration is still something that's out of control in this country and maybe cos I work in a bookies all day long my view has been distorted in that I'm stereotyping all foreigners that simply claim benefits - something that in my line of work I do see all day long.
Reading the OP again yeah I came across as a bellend and I'm not looking for sympathy just wanna say sorry nothing more.
KingDawson I know we said we would ignore each other but ffs were both on here a lot and I don't really want that so all I'll say to you is that even though are views on whether black ppl are discrimated against in employment or not differ I don't hate or think any less of black ppl - something which my black mates in many parts of my life would simply laugh at the thought.
Cheers guys (and ta steff)
Well done Roy it took a lot of balls to do that, as I mentioned in the sexcetera thread, just because the area you work in is full of scummy people who happen to be non anglo-saxon it doesn't mean we're all like that. But I think it has affected the way you look at us and even though you don't want to think of yourself as prejudice, your subconscious makes you feel that way due to the bad experiences you've had. I wasn't born here, I moved over when I was five.
My family didn't get anything handed to us on a plate as publications like the daily mail would lead you to believe. My parents worked hard to requalify in their sectors and did some very basic jobs including cleaning and factory work just to pay the bills whilst they were studying. Luckily we had family over here that helped us with accommodation, which we could rent for fairly cheap, but it was a case of a family of 4 living in a one bedroom flat in tottenham.
I'm very grateful that my parents have worked hard and done it the right way; not for one day have they claimed anything from the system, whilst being civil servants they give a lot back to it. Now we have a decent sized house in Enfield all through hardwork, it shows that immigration can pay off. However a lot of people do come here with the intent of sponging of the welfare state, and a lot of people (white anglo-saxons) are already doing that. To me I feel that those native or naturalised citizens should receive aid first, purely because they have lived here longer or have ancestry here.
I do feel the situation is getting out of control, a lot of people have British passports or indefinite leave to remain who can hardly speak a word of English, ghettoisation in places like luton and bradford haven't helped this at all. For my family it took us nine years to get passports but a lot of people get it in five who don't really seem to have blended into British culture. When we came over here we already knew how to speak English and I never felt that it was difficult to acclimatise to the culture, I thought me being brought up Christian did help though. However a minority of people cannot be bothered to learn the language (or choose to speak a horrible slang version of it) and don't want to integrate into our society who are still getting all the kick backs us good honest folks are entitled to. In fact I know a guy, a trooper, who has had serious war injuries just about get his approval to do the test required for nationality. People like him who have bled for our country deserve it straight away as an honor.
However the fault lies with its policy makers, the politicians and officials in whitehall who make up all these crazy PC rules including such things as "winter lights" instead of "christmas lights" or getting rid of ba ba black sheep. We can also point the finger at politicians and councellors for not addressing the issue of ghettoisation in places like bradford and luton where there are definite no go areas for people of either race.
I can see why a lot of people like yourself are angry, why the EDL is angry and others are angry. I think racial and social tensions are at a high since the recession; a lot of things are being said or printed now and momentum is gathering for parties like the BNP and movements like the EDL ( who whilst tommy robinson the leader is not racist, a lot of Racist people agree with their views and henceforth follow them). Things haven't been helped by the furore with Suarez and Terry; I feel that it has given football fans a license to bring Racism back to football again. A lot of people I wouldn't twig as being prejudice, come out with statements to my face, including things like "the august riots was the fault of immigrants" forgetting that I am part of a minority and probably not realising stuff like that offends me. Then they try to placate me by saying "I don't see you as one of them". These aren't common folk doing this, but privately educated and redbrick learnt, middle class folk.To me it just feels that there is a racist undercurrent in great Britain right now. I do think that their is a ticking timebomb over immigration, racism and islamophobia in the uk; we're either going to be completely overrun by mad mullah's preaching Shariah law or we'd be living in a white supermacist, facist paradise. Either way its us good honest folk in the middle who are losing out because the government is too scared to address the social issues in place. At the end of the day the ruling classes are not affected by us common people one bit.