wow, that has got to be the most indefensible post I have ever seen on this forum.
Sad that it came from you
Totally uncalled for too.
wow, that has got to be the most indefensible post I have ever seen on this forum.
Sad that it came from you
I hope you drown in your own bile you worthless piece of brick.
Now this is a good post from a top poster.
Unfortunately this is the type of response from, arguably, one of the biggest wum's on here.
#removes chip from KD's shoulder...
It may not have occurred to some of the self righteous posters on here but some people don't actually want Great Britain to become the dumping ground for all of the worlds waifs and strays.
Little Johnny foreigner always stands outside my local supermarket saying big issue. I've never even acknowledged the **** but he still always asks me. I've never even see anyone give him so much as a look let alone a pound!! Is it classed as begging therefore illegal? Not sure why Tesco haven't sent him on his way yet tbh? Massive black security guard patrols around outside quite a bit.
I will knock the scrawny little benefit claimer out one of these days.
I see your game now. It took me a while but i finally see it. I'll sum you're style of posting in very easy steps:
Step 1 :Start race related thread
Step 2 : When most posters counter your argument or simply tell you exactly what they think of your hate filled garbage you retreat and state "you honestly didn't mean any offence"
Step 3: wait a few days and start another race related thread or make a remark that is race related.
You keep saying "chip on your shoulder" but it's clear as day you suffer from this condition as you're always the one talking about race. Always the one bringing it up on this forum. always the one being unnecessarily descriptive when describing someone "the big black guy", "Johnny foreigner" blah blah blah. Most people rather not talk about race and have a bit of enjoyment on this forum but there you are starting yet another thread (probably down to the chip on your shoulder).
You don't even have the decency to get your facts right when starting threads and continuously get things factually wrong (mobo's, big issue selling illegal etc etc).
KD you haven't got a clue fella. About me. About..well anything in general pal. I'm not wasting any more of my time chatting with you. As you said to Marky...we don't exist yeah? Just ignore what I say and I'll do the same.
Never mind all that
Is he impotent?
* i'll get my coat *
Ah, I see. And by way of explanation, that means that every darkie with a magazine in his hand is a benefit fraud. Got it.
Wookie don't put words in my mouth. It's an isolated case. In keeping with the thread hence why I put it in here.
Ah, but the bloke standing out front of your Tesco's is an isolated case but still you've already decided you'd like to knock the **** out. You're not coming from a very good starting point. As Steff said, you should probably say hello to the bloke. He stands in the tinkling rain all day, I'll guarantee he'd be happy to say hello instead of getting sneered at.
No, I'm saying that getting the hump with a bloke that stands in the tinkling rain getting scowled at for a couple hundred quid a month is misdirected. At least he's got a job.
Says the man kicking back in the carribean, supping Mai Tais at lunch break......![]()
I'm not in the Caribbean, I'm in the North Atlantic on an Island that is a British sovereign dependancy
I'm here for work, because Britain is so full of foreigners earning money in the sector that I work in, its almost impossible to get a job.
Additionally, having spent 20 years working for my government and my country, and 33 years as a taxpayer I don't think I have given up the right to hold an opinion on the direction the country has taken.
I'm not in the Caribbean, I'm in the North Atlantic on an Island that is a British sovereign dependancy
I'm here for work, because Britain is so full of foreigners earning money in the sector that I work in, its almost impossible to get a job.
Additionally, having spent 20 years working for my government and my country, and 33 years as a taxpayer I don't think I have given up the right to hold an opinion on the direction the country has taken.