Allan Nielsen
Crown and Garter
Why go ahead with the trials when the scientific evidence is against them working? That's what the scientists are saying (see above articles).
Know it well. Beautiful area round there but gotta say is Inkpen possibly the biggest village in the world? It's spread out all over the place
The BBC News subtitlers just wrote "the controversial Joe Cole" instead of controversial badger cull.
seems to me we are the ones that need managing, all the experts say it won't work and has the potential to make the problem worse
I think they suggested that by culling the badgers it would push them further afield, potentially spreading Bovine TB further. I'd counter that by suggesting culled Badgers aren't going anywhere. Our environment requires balance, alas we humans are largely the only ones who decide on that balance. Hence we 'manage' our environment to suit our largely commercial needs and there is little other than the elements and war for the time being to control the imbalance within our ecosystem that we perpetuate. There is probably a stronger argument for culling humans or at least controlling their movements.
There already trying that in Syria and people are complaining.
'kin Liberals.