Mitchell Thomas
So what are YOU doing to protest?
No more Apartheid
No more Apartheid
What do badgers contribute to our ecosystem anyway?
they should leave the badgers alone, it's the farmers responsibility to keep them (and foxes, stoats, et al) away from their livestock and to inoculate them accordingly
yeah i meant inoculate the cattle, that has to be the priority
other than that just keep the cattle somewhere the badgers can't get to, its not rocket science
LOL, how in the name of jiggery fudge do you keep a grazing animal away from nature. You would literally have to build concrete walls around the whole of Britain and give them 10ft foundations to keep wild animals away from livestock!!! It is actually impossible.
pretty much, it would have to be a bit like jurassic park
i'm thinking 2 layers of electric mesh fencing, all 4 sides and subterranean layers obviously, then we're fine until badgers learn to fly
.... the scientists reject the idea of scientific support for the cull, which could wipe out 100,000 badgers, a third of the national population. The cull policy is "mindless", according to Lord John Krebs, one of the UK's most eminent scientists and the architect of the landmark 10-year culling trials that ended in 2007. "The scientific case is as clear as it can be: this cull is not the answer to TB in cattle. The government is cherry-picking bits of data to support its case."
Another signatory, Lord Robert May, a former government chief scientist and president of the Royal Society, said: "It is very clear to me that the government's policy does not make sense." He added: "I have no sympathy with the decision. They are transmuting evidence-based policy into policy-based evidence."
... David Cameron ... said last week: "I believe this is the right policy for healthy badgers as well as healthy cattle."
What do badgers contribute to our ecosystem anyway?
Personnally, I think it is wrong to try and eradicate a native species to the UK
They eat wasps! I watched a large alpha male dig a hole about a foot deep in my orchard, and then munch how way through a whopping big wasp's nest. Didn't give two hoots about the stings. At my local, badgers are a banned discussion subject as opinion is polarised between the pro-cull and the anti-cull... there is no agreement between farmers who live next door to each other! Some argue that the cull makes the position worse as badgers soon re-colonise culled areas, and bring the disease back, whilst others argue that that the link between Badgers and TB is not 100% proven.
Personnally, I think it is wrong to try and eradicate a native species to the UK to support a human imposed population of cattle that have become susceptible to TB as a result of the selective breeding programmes employed over the last 40 years. Let the badgers live!