Tony Galvin
The man who replied "I don't know" when asked why he was shot?
Of course he didn't know why he was shot. Unless he succumbed to the truth, which is he was a black man and the officer was a scared white man who assumed that being black, that chap HAD to have a gun because he'd heard 'someone' did.
Seriously, that he even had to put his hands in the air and explain himself is weird enough. what is even weirder is that trained law enforcement officers couldn't tell the fudging difference between a TOY TRUCK and a gun. I mean, are the PD down there hiring poorly-sighted officers?
Call me old-fashioned, or even a tad whacky, but IF am ever to be shot by a law enforcement official, I would hope it is because I have lost my mind and am committing an egregious know, a criminal act. Not looking after an autistic patient holding a toy whilst raising my hands in the air!!!!!!