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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I'm not saying stats and research are not important, far from it. You can't just rock up on a Saturday without any preparation or without knowing how the other team plays. But football is unpredictable and AVB didn't seem to quite grasp the concept of what do we do if x happens e.g. the other team scores first when we play at home and I never felt confident that he had a plan B to fix it, his subs often left me scratching my head.

I have no idea how he speaks when he addresses the team in training or on matchdays, it was more of a personal quibble to be honest, I just find it unnecessary to throw so many big words around. DHSF made a good comparison with Joey from Friends.

Apparently his managerial philosophy does consider these random elements that can happen in matches. I can't find specific links or pages to it right now, but I have certainly read that he does.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Apparently his managerial philosophy does consider these random elements that can happen in matches. I can't find specific links or pages to it right now, but I have certainly read that he does.

What the hell is a managerial philosophy? Do you mean that he'd make substitutions or change formations/tactics if thge game wasn't going as planned? That's not a philosophy, that what thge job entails.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

To be fair if someone f***d your dad over wouldnt you have an agenda and be biased?

I don't think it's fair to say that AVB f ucked Harry over. They barely know each other?

One side note re: AVB…looking back (and hindsight is easy I know!) it seems to me he really had great trouble dealing with the relaxed, fun attitudes of Ade and Benny. A shame. He seemed, early on, to have established that this type of attitude = not caring as much. I'd say that for AVB to fully fulfil his potential, he needs to be a better judge of character and also understand man management better. It's been clear to me for over a season that Ade needs nothing more than some love. As for BAE, well, the man is a ledge for me…I look forward to having him back as my avatar.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I don't think it's fair to say that AVB f ucked Harry over. They barely know each other?

One side note re: AVB…looking back (and hindsight is easy I know!) it seems to me he really had great trouble dealing with the relaxed, fun attitudes of Ade and Benny. A shame. He seemed, early on, to have established that this type of attitude = not caring as much. I'd say that for AVB to fully fulfil his potential, he needs to be a better judge of character and also understand man management better. It's been clear to me for over a season that Ade needs nothing more than some love. As for BAE, well, the man is a ledge for me…I look forward to having him back as my avatar.

Jesus, don't we all!?! :)

Doesn't the losers avatar revert after the next win or something?
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Jesus, don't we all!?! :)

Doesn't the losers avatar revert after the next win or something?

…in which case I think it should've flipped back? To the Stath? I await the judgement of my peers! At least it wasn't the most offensive photo of that fat spanner they could've found. I feel I should not complain precisely because of that.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

…in which case I think it should've flipped back? To the Stath? I await the judgement of my peers! At least it wasn't the most offensive photo of that fat spanner they could've found. I feel I should not complain precisely because of that.

Once Tottenham win again you're free to choose any avatar of your liking. Nobody's going to do it for you, you lazy so and so. :-"

Re: AVB Sacked page 224

What the hell is a managerial philosophy? Do you mean that he'd make substitutions or change formations/tactics if thge game wasn't going as planned? That's not a philosophy, that what thge job entails.

I think it's pretty obvious what I meant. If someone says 'AVB doesn't know how to change it when the team have gone behind because the doesn't plan for it' or anything resembling that, I'm going to argue it because it does him a disservice.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I don't think it's fair to say that AVB f ucked Harry over. They barely know each other?

One side note re: AVB…looking back (and hindsight is easy I know!) it seems to me he really had great trouble dealing with the relaxed, fun attitudes of Ade and Benny. A shame. He seemed, early on, to have established that this type of attitude = not caring as much. I'd say that for AVB to fully fulfil his potential, he needs to be a better judge of character and also understand man management better. It's been clear to me for over a season that Ade needs nothing more than some love. As for BAE, well, the man is a ledge for me…I look forward to having him back as my avatar.

I have to massively argue this, and your fairly consistent recent pegging of AVB as a guy that simply couldn't handle the personal side of the game. I don't agree with that at all, and if it were true I think you'd see a lot more stories of players who he didn't get on with, rather than the two obvious player types that he didn't really think lent themselves well to his style of coaching.

Read the Van Gaal extract in one of the current hot threads on here. He talks about players that will listen to him and work for the system, and judge it as important behind their individual means, vs players that were too experienced and will not listen, or do things of their own accord away from the system who he would clash with.

Now, whatever people think of system managers vs non system managers, they both have their merits. If a system manager is able to build his squad and given the time to implement it properly, they can implement big rewards from it. Obviously if they are not given the time, or they are half way there, it can look like a bit of a cluster**** and it's up to the club whether they want to persist with their patience or not.

My point is, Ade and Benny are not bad players, but for AVB to send them away they are likely players that thrive on being given freedom as individuals on the pitch rather than playing to a system. The idea that AVB simply couldn't manage them is plain wrong, he got on with Ade last year and Benny was writing articles in the Standard saying AVB was 'cool'. I think he decided this year (based largely in Ade's case on the fact he dd not perform well when given the chances last year) that he wanted a squad full of his personality types, that he could coach properly to play a system effectively. It's nothing to do with not being 'able to handle Ade' or any other such thing, I think he's perfectly capable of doing so if he wanted to, but I think this summer he viewed it as the time he would get the backing to build his squad, and get the benefits that come with that. He wanted a consistent personality type along the squad, and didn't want players that disrupted that.

And we will never see those benefits now, because he wasn't given the time to get it his way, because the club decided to go in another direction. But I won't have it that AVB was simply incapable on a personal level of managing certain personality types. It does him a complete disservice. He didn't want to manage them, because he wanted the benefits of a full squad high on teamwork and low on individualistic tendencies. We largely won't see those benefits now because we didn't back him..and fair enough I will back Sherwood now as loud as anyone, but let's not do the previous man a disservice.

It's sad that the collective opinion on this board seems to veer towards that AVB just didn't know what he was doing, and that it will go down in history that one of his greatest mistakes was not using Ade. If we had backed him, signed Pato and sold Ade (for example) then it would be a completely different story. But the clubs decision to go in another direction does not change the potential of the man to do well for us, or what his ability was, or what the logic of his decision making was.

I'm completely opposed to 'camps' on here. Ever since Jol and certainly since Harry people have fallen into one camp or the other. I back the incumbent manager with my fall support but I don't think that had to take away what the previous guy(s) have done for us.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I have to massively argue this, and your fairly consistent recent pegging of AVB as a guy that simply couldn't handle the personal side of the game. I don't agree with that at all, and if it were true I think you'd see a lot more stories of players who he didn't get on with, rather than the two obvious player types that he didn't really think lent themselves well to his style of coaching.

Read the Van Gaal extract in one of the current hot threads on here. He talks about players that will listen to him and work for the system, and judge it as important behind their individual means, vs players that were too experienced and will not listen, or do things of their own accord away from the system who he would clash with.

Now, whatever people think of system managers vs non system managers, they both have their merits. If a system manager is able to build his squad and given the time to implement it properly, they can implement big rewards from it. Obviously if they are not given the time, or they are half way there, it can look like a bit of a cluster**** and it's up to the club whether they want to persist with their patience or not.

My point is, Ade and Benny are not bad players, but for AVB to send them away they are likely players that thrive on being given freedom as individuals on the pitch rather than playing to a system. The idea that AVB simply couldn't manage them is plain wrong, he got on with Ade last year and Benny was writing articles in the Standard saying AVB was 'cool'. I think he decided this year (based largely in Ade's case on the fact he dd not perform well when given the chances last year) that he wanted a squad full of his personality types, that he could coach properly to play a system effectively. It's nothing to do with not being 'able to handle Ade' or any other such thing, I think he's perfectly capable of doing so if he wanted to, but I think this summer he viewed it as the time he would get the backing to build his squad, and get the benefits that come with that. He wanted a consistent personality type along the squad, and didn't want players that disrupted that.

And we will never see those benefits now, because he wasn't given the time to get it his way, because the club decided to go in another direction. But I won't have it that AVB was simply incapable on a personal level of managing certain personality types. It does him a complete disservice. He didn't want to manage them, because he wanted the benefits of a full squad high on teamwork and low on individualistic tendencies. We largely won't see those benefits now because we didn't back him..and fair enough I will back Sherwood now as loud as anyone, but let's not do the previous man a disservice.

It's sad that the collective opinion on this board seems to veer towards that AVB just didn't know what he was doing, and that it will go down in history that one of his greatest mistakes was not using Ade. If we had backed him, signed Pato and sold Ade (for example) then it would be a completely different story. But the clubs decision to go in another direction does not change the potential of the man to do well for us, or what his ability was, or what the logic of his decision making was.

I'm completely opposed to 'camps' on here. Ever since Jol and certainly since Harry people have fallen into one camp or the other. I back the incumbent manager with my fall support but I don't think that had to take away what the previous guy(s) have done for us.

First of all, I think you should at least recognize that I wanted AVB to be the post-Harry man, I was delighted he was, and I supported him throughout. Towards the end it was obvious it wasn't working. It was sad. I desperately wanted him to succeed but it wasn't to be. Anyway, that being said, addressing the points in boldface above…

You have to acknowledge that he did not deal with the increasing pressures well at all. His behaviour became increasingly agitated and nervous. That spreads to everyone. So yes, I absolutely stand by my assertion that he needed better personal/man-management skills.

Funny you quote Van Gaal because I don't want him at Spurs. Funnily enough, for someone who sounds like such a football socialist, he has a history of boorish dictatorship!

Your comments about BAE and Ade are curious to me, but in Ade's case especially, they would revolve around whether you believe he played to a dictated system last season or just didn't play well. My belief was always that he played to serve a system which fed Bale, and as such, I too thought AVB had found a way to work with Ade, thus why this season's freeze disappointed me so much.

Finally, the comments about 'camps' is understandable but not accurate IMO. Speaking for myself, I see the benefits all our past-managers have brought us but equally I see the errors of their ways.

I, of all people, never claimed AVB was 'clueless' and heartily believed in what he was trying to do. In the end, he simply doesn't appear to have been able to get it done in a way that everyone believed it was getting done. And once you lose the confidence of the board/chairmen and even one or two players, your goose is cooked. The great managers know how to handle all expectations and appetites. I believe it will come with experience should he continue to manage and, further, should he learn and take on his past errors as ones to correct.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Anyone heard what Jamie Redknapp said before kickoff about Sherwood; whilst having a cheap dig a AVB.

"He's played football, he's not a blagger, doesn't talk about dimensions and he knows the club"
WHat a snide nasty bitter little man with a chip on his shoulder about AVB replacing his dad. At least go on about Sherwood rather than having digs at the former manager. Jamie has not endeared himself to me since he helped Keane move to the scouse and his behaviour during England Managerial saga.

Well what do you expect from a man who is the equivalent of louise's panty liner? He acts like a spoiled little bitch I wonder whether he has any male hormones left
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Reading between the lines, it looks to me as though AVB decided Adebayor was a bad influence, wasn't prepared to bend either his ideas about how the team should play in order to incorporate him or his management style to accommodate him, and had probably decided he wanted him out of the club. Adebayor and Benny are mates, and they would have backed and encouraged one another, so I think it's likely the main reason BAE was sent away on loan (it made no sense from a football perspective, after all, leaving us woefully short of cover in the position), was in order to isolate Ade and minimize what AVB by then regarded as a disruptive influence on the squad. His problem, as we have seen in the past couple of games, was that a fit, focussed and firing Adebayor was exactly what we needed to get the team ticking. I believe the few occasions AVB actually included Adebayor, he was under orders to do so, and that ultimately, it was his own inflexibility and unwillingness to make sufficient compromise, as much as the backdrop of bad results, that was what brought matters to a head.

On the issue of 'questions' for our chairman that I read somewhere, I'm not in the slightest interested in listening to what Levy says, personally; I'm interested in watching what he does. I take all the corporate, brochure-speke blandishments for granted and pay them absolutely no mind whatsoever; whether concerning AVB's appointment, his sacking or the latest punt with Sherwood, they would all have sounded much the same.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I think it's pretty obvious what I meant. If someone says 'AVB doesn't know how to change it when the team have gone behind because the doesn't plan for it' or anything resembling that, I'm going to argue it because it does him a disservice.

It's not a philosophy though, is it, it's just part of the job. Only the most blinkered would claim that he didn't change things in games or that he was steadfast in refusing to make changes to the side.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

It's not a philosophy though, is it, it's just part of the job. Only the most blinkered would claim that he didn't change things in games or that he was steadfast in refusing to make changes to the side.

I don't know what I've said wrong...I was just responding to the point/argument that AVB's system/philosophy is flawed because it doesn't take into account what happens in game if it doesn't go to plan and we concede first. I said that was wrong, as part of his thinking and preparation for a match, he does make plans to tackle those eventualities.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I don't know what I've said wrong...I was just responding to the point/argument that AVB's system/philosophy is flawed because it doesn't take into account what happens in game if it doesn't go to plan and we concede first. I said that was wrong, as part of his thinking and preparation for a match, he does make plans to tackle those eventualities.

You haven't said anything wrong
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

First of all, I think you should at least recognize that I wanted AVB to be the post-Harry man, I was delighted he was, and I supported him throughout. Towards the end it was obvious it wasn't working. It was sad. I desperately wanted him to succeed but it wasn't to be. Anyway, that being said, addressing the points in boldface above…

You have to acknowledge that he did not deal with the increasing pressures well at all. His behaviour became increasingly agitated and nervous. That spreads to everyone. So yes, I absolutely stand by my assertion that he needed better personal/man-management skills.

Funny you quote Van Gaal because I don't want him at Spurs. Funnily enough, for someone who sounds like such a football socialist, he has a history of boorish dictatorship!

Your comments about BAE and Ade are curious to me, but in Ade's case especially, they would revolve around whether you believe he played to a dictated system last season or just didn't play well. My belief was always that he played to serve a system which fed Bale, and as such, I too thought AVB had found a way to work with Ade, thus why this season's freeze disappointed me so much.

Finally, the comments about 'camps' is understandable but not accurate IMO. Speaking for myself, I see the benefits all our past-managers have brought us but equally I see the errors of their ways.

I, of all people, never claimed AVB was 'clueless' and heartily believed in what he was trying to do. In the end, he simply doesn't appear to have been able to get it done in a way that everyone believed it was getting done. And once you lose the confidence of the board/chairmen and even one or two players, your goose is cooked. The great managers know how to handle all expectations and appetites. I believe it will come with experience should he continue to manage and, further, should he learn and take on his past errors as ones to correct.

I know you were one of the biggest AVB backers mate, most of the comments weren't aimed at you specifically in terms of camps - you've always been very fair.

I'm just not sure he does have behavioural problems. He seems like a nice, friendly chap but he doesn't suffer fools gladly and just strikes me as getting ****ed off if he doesn't get backed as he thought he would. With regards to Ade, I totally believe that AVB didn't want him but that he made the most of it last season, and this year he expected to be backed to get the squad how he wanted it, and wasn't given that support.

With regards to Ade's performance, I don't think he played well. He did his job, as the striker in AVB's system is supposed to do, namely run off the ball and create space for the attacking midfielders to create good opportunities, rather than necessarily be involved themselves. Defoe played the same way and so did Soldado under AVB. So Ade did his job, but I don't think he played well. He didn't play like someone suited to playing to a system rather than as an individual. And I think this season AVB wanted it as he wanted it, 2 strikers who play well to a system and Ade gone.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it's because AVB has behavioural problems, that he isn't capable of managing men. I think he showed last season he was, and this season he wanted to have the squad his way. He thought he was going to get the support to do that, hence rejecting PSG, but he didn't get it. I think there are benefits to having all members of the squad buying into something and not having personalities being outside of that, but AVB couldn't get it that way. And once he wasn't getting that support, I don't think he wanted to be here any more. So in his meetings with Levy after Liverpool, it's not a case of him wanting to save his job and needing to play nice to do it, he simply didn't want the job any more.

AVB appearing agitated and nervous I don't particularly agree with, he's agitated because he came to this club thinking they would back him more than Chelsea did, but ultimately we didn't. And as such he didn't want to be here any more. The key thing I disagree with is that he had a personality defect, or wasn't capable of carrying himself as needed. If he wanted to be here, he would have acted a lot different. Because he wasn't being backed, he wanted to go.

On LvG - who has said he is a boorish dictactor? Is it experienced players who think they have a lot of individual quality on their own and don't want to listen about how the system is all important any more? Or was it younger players? Because I would say the younger players with the team ethic would like LvG's style, and the experienced ones would think he is too controlling. Anyway, moot point now as we have Tim for 18 months.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I know you were one of the biggest AVB backers mate, most of the comments weren't aimed at you specifically in terms of camps - you've always been very fair.

I'm just not sure he does have behavioural problems. He seems like a nice, friendly chap but he doesn't suffer fools gladly and just strikes me as getting ****ed off if he doesn't get backed as he thought he would. With regards to Ade, I totally believe that AVB didn't want him but that he made the most of it last season, and this year he expected to be backed to get the squad how he wanted it, and wasn't given that support.

With regards to Ade's performance, I don't think he played well. He did his job, as the striker in AVB's system is supposed to do, namely run off the ball and create space for the attacking midfielders to create good opportunities, rather than necessarily be involved themselves. Defoe played the same way and so did Soldado under AVB. So Ade did his job, but I don't think he played well. He didn't play like someone suited to playing to a system rather than as an individual. And I think this season AVB wanted it as he wanted it, 2 strikers who play well to a system and Ade gone.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it's because AVB has behavioural problems, that he isn't capable of managing men. I think he showed last season he was, and this season he wanted to have the squad his way. He thought he was going to get the support to do that, hence rejecting PSG, but he didn't get it. I think there are benefits to having all members of the squad buying into something and not having personalities being outside of that, but AVB couldn't get it that way. And once he wasn't getting that support, I don't think he wanted to be here any more. So in his meetings with Levy after Liverpool, it's not a case of him wanting to save his job and needing to play nice to do it, he simply didn't want the job any more.

AVB appearing agitated and nervous I don't particularly agree with, he's agitated because he came to this club thinking they would back him more than Chelsea did, but ultimately we didn't. And as such he didn't want to be here any more. The key thing I disagree with is that he had a personality defect, or wasn't capable of carrying himself as needed. If he wanted to be here, he would have acted a lot different. Because he wasn't being backed, he wanted to go.

On LvG - who has said he is a boorish dictactor? Is it experienced players who think they have a lot of individual quality on their own and don't want to listen about how the system is all important any more? Or was it younger players? Because I would say the younger players with the team ethic would like LvG's style, and the experienced ones would think he is too controlling. Anyway, moot point now as we have Tim for 18 months.

Can you explain a few things. Firstly the part in bold...

1) How come at Porto that was exactly the opposite of what the striker was meant to do. Why did AVB suddenly change it in your opinion?

2) How did AVB not get the support?

3) Where have you got this whole idea that AVB was agitated? how he didn't want to be here anymore? how we didn't back him? you're passing all this off as if it was fact so i want to know where you've got it from.