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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB really does seem like marmite to most spurs fans at the moment.....for someone who comes out and says he is immune to press criticism he seems to have cracked a little recently.

got to say its really sad to see the divisions in the spurs faithful at the moment......things like booing the lennon sub against utd on Sunday.....and just the general feeling that as a following for our club we are all full of doubts and negativity.

I wonder how most on here judge our manager from the following and what they consider are the most important from the following:
getting results
style of play
managers personality/charisma
how the manager does with the politics......ie media...fans relationship.
vision for the future...planning ahead blooding youngsters.

I think he does himself no favours with the media and needs help......I believe the style will be better with more time.

I firmly believe that we can give AVB more time and show what a special set of fans we spurs lot are. Trophies are not handed out yet........we have to stay in the mix of things through the hectic Christmas period and continue to work hard on the training pitch on our cohesiveness and attacking play. who gives a bugger how the likes of Liverpool are playing........jealousy doesn't suit a lot of spurs fans.......

truth is we have never had a more talented squad or so much potential to win major honours......peeps need to forget how quickly they can have success in football manager and be a bit more patience........
massive squad upheaval and losing star player is not an ideal pre-season.....if we can have a settled pre-season next year and we address the left back issue we are in business, but don't be surprised to see us play a lot better after Christmas anyway......for years we have started strong only to fall away.....but with the way certain players are rotated I think it will be reversed this season.......I expect us to finish the season very strong which will make a pleasant change.

As BOL stated, the previous manager brought a relative level of success to the club, raised the profile of THFC and played some great football along the way. He had his faults and he underachieved somewhat in his final season, but the fanbase was always split; half never wanted him and/or didn't like him for personal reasons because of his image in the media and the way he portrays himself, others just never rated the guy. Whilst the other half believed we were in a mess when he took over the club and guided us to safety, played the best football in 15 years and got sick of the constant wave of criticism he received. The state of the club when he left was also painted to be one of a club that was in mid table even though we'd just finished 4th. So the next guy (whoever that was) was going to have to achieve 5th at the very least to justify the change, which he did to his credit.

For me, the most important factors are:

1. Getting results
2. Vision for the future/planning etc
3. Style of play
4. How he deals with the press, not important as it is to other fans in my eyes, as long as he isn't someone like Di Canio who brings the club into disrepute.
5. Personality. I find his press conferences unintelligible as he never clears his throat and uses 100 words when 20 will do. He comes across as a bit aloof and arrogant, but I'm sure he would give me the time of day If I ran into him on the street and he'd probably be friendly and polite.

I fully understand he needs time to get the team right, but I do expect the performances to pick up from Xmas onwards, and 5th place again is the least we should expect given the talent in our squad.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

As BOL stated, the previous manager brought a relative level of success to the club, raised the profile of THFC and played some great football along the way. He had his faults and he underachieved somewhat in his final season, but the fanbase was always split; half never wanted him and/or didn't like him for personal reasons because of his image in the media and the way he portrays himself, others just never rated the guy. Whilst the other half believed we were in a mess when he took over the club and guided us to safety, played the best football in 15 years and got sick of the constant wave of criticism he received. The state of the club when he left was also painted to be one of a club that was in mid table even though we'd just finished 4th. So the next guy (whoever that was) was going to have to achieve 5th at the very least to justify the change, which he did to his credit.

For me, the most important factors are:

1. Getting results
2. Vision for the future/planning etc
3. Style of play
4. How he deals with the press, not important as it is to other fans in my eyes, as long as he isn't someone like Di Canio who brings the club into disrepute.
5. Personality. I find his press conferences unintelligible as he never clears his throat and uses 100 words when 20 will do. He comes across as a bit aloof and arrogant, but I'm sure he would give me the time of day If I ran into him on the street and he'd probably be friendly and polite.

I fully understand he needs time to get the team right, but I do expect the performances to pick up from Xmas onwards, and 5th place again is the least we should expect given the talent in our squad.

Fair assessment that.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

You know when you talk about the board, it's not a big room filled with grey suited old men any more. We actually only have 4 directors now, and two of them are non-executive and only pick up odd projects.

'The board' is basically Levy and Collecott.


Castles is Mourinho's pal, rather than AVB's.

I think he's usually reasonably fair towards AVB, but he's certainly not on his speed-dial like Jason Burt is.

Yeah I looked on our board page on the site recently as it was of interest...so where are these stories about grumbles with AVB coming from? I can't believe Levy is ready to jack it all in because of a few dodgy results. I can buy maybe Lewis thinking 'What the hell, I expected a title challenge this year and it isn't happening' and Levy and Baldini having to assert to him that it wasn't going to be that easy after selling Bale, but for there to be actual grumbles...when we are 3 off of 4th having just come out of a bad patch of form...it's just ridiculous.

The whole thing comes from the fact 'the board' (or Lewis) seemed to expect a title challenge this year. Maybe AVB ****ed up in saying he could deliver it, but actually the picture coming in pre-season from some of the more respectable journalists were that the board wanted the title while AVB thought we could get 3rd, and push for the title next year. The comments about Lamela and Soldado also suggest he would have been well aware it takes a while for foreign signings to settle in, so I doubt he thought the title was on and was probably cautioning this talk early on.

If we get rid of a good manager because of exceeded expectations of a few blokes that don't know as much about football as the guy they backed to implement a long term project it will be a really, really stupid decision. And I'm worried that if we lose a few it could happen despite the league obviously being a crazy time this year when top teams are losing to promoted teams left right and centre.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Re: Why isn't Moyes getting as much stick as AVB? He took over a team that won the title and have less points than we do so far. He should be getting more stick than he is. BUT, he took over from the greatest manager of all time who was worth at least 10 points a season on his own. No way would they have won the league in any of the last 5 seasons if not for him. Whoever is in charge of transfers also left Moyes hung out to dry. Granted Fellaini was an unnecessary signing, but they went after Fabregas and Thiago Alcantara but didn't get either, they also went for Baines and failed. Whilst AVB spent over £100m. Not saying it's right, but it might go some way to explaning why Moyes is getting off lightly.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I don't think it was 50/50 with Redknapp, pretty sure I'm not the only one who went through

desperately wanted him
loved him
got fed up with him
desperately wanted him out

during his tenure, likewise I was very happy that we appointed AVB and right now I'm still happy he is in charge, I reserve the right to change my opinion in the future though, hell If I had been around at the time I'd probably of thought getting rid of Sir Bill was warranted

it's not braveheart, you don't have to pick a side
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I don't think it was 50/50 with Redknapp, pretty sure I'm not the only one who went through

desperately wanted him
loved him
got fed up with him
desperately wanted him out

during his tenure, likewise I was very happy that we appointed AVB and right now I'm still happy he is in charge, I reserve the right to change my opinion in the future though, hell If I had been around at the time I'd probably of thought getting rid of Sir Bill was warranted

it's not braveheart, you don't have to pick a side

Very true.

I think it's because so much discussion descends into 'he is clueless about tactics' or 'his overcomplicated tactics will never work'. Or 'we were absolutely terrible today' in a game where we weren't terrible at all. So much hyperbole means that when someone obviously disagrees with that, they look like they have gone so much the other way.

Harry was good. He had his ways and means. I actually think he had a sharp tactical mind and he got on with most players. But I also think AVB was what we needed.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

We all know that AVB had this fabulous success in his one year at Porto. Not having seen that team either prior to or during AVB's reign, I query how he was able to achieve so much in such a short period of time while he is still looking for the answers at Spurs. Did he just inherit a team that was already primed for success? How was he able to get them playing his way from the off? Was his system more suited to the Portuguese league than it is to the Premier League?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

We all know that AVB had this fabulous success in his one year at Porto. Not having seen that team either prior to or during AVB's reign, I query how he was able to achieve so much in such a short period of time while he is still looking for the answers at Spurs. Did he just inherit a team that was already primed for success? How was he able to get them playing his way from the off? Was his system more suited to the Portuguese league than it is to the Premier League?

Less damage to repair, less player upheaval, less financial doping, more positive fans, more intelligent players.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

We all know that AVB had this fabulous success in his one year at Porto. Not having seen that team either prior to or during AVB's reign, I query how he was able to achieve so much in such a short period of time while he is still looking for the answers at Spurs. Did he just inherit a team that was already primed for success? How was he able to get them playing his way from the off? Was his system more suited to the Portuguese league than it is to the Premier League?

You could say that ;)
His predecessor was sacked for losing 4 league games all season (unbeaten at home). Prior to that, he had won 3 league titles in a row (first time it had ever been done by a manager in Portugal). He has also taken them consistently into the Champion's League knock out stages.

AVB's team faced average teams in the Europa the next year , braga, villarreal, sevilla, cska, spartak
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Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Yeah I looked on our board page on the site recently as it was of interest...so where are these stories about grumbles with AVB coming from? I can't believe Levy is ready to jack it all in because of a few dodgy results. I can buy maybe Lewis thinking 'What the hell, I expected a title challenge this year and it isn't happening' and Levy and Baldini having to assert to him that it wasn't going to be that easy after selling Bale, but for there to be actual grumbles...when we are 3 off of 4th having just come out of a bad patch of form...it's just ridiculous.

The whole thing comes from the fact 'the board' (or Lewis) seemed to expect a title challenge this year. Maybe AVB ****ed up in saying he could deliver it, but actually the picture coming in pre-season from some of the more respectable journalists were that the board wanted the title while AVB thought we could get 3rd, and push for the title next year. The comments about Lamela and Soldado also suggest he would have been well aware it takes a while for foreign signings to settle in, so I doubt he thought the title was on and was probably cautioning this talk early on.

If we get rid of a good manager because of exceeded expectations of a few blokes that don't know as much about football as the guy they backed to implement a long term project it will be a really, really stupid decision. And I'm worried that if we lose a few it could happen despite the league obviously being a crazy time this year when top teams are losing to promoted teams left right and centre.

I don't think Lewis expects titles. He wants CL whilst spending no net money.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

No idea the OP reasoning, but my thoughts might yield similar results

- Ade is on high wages, had an awful season last season and seemingly is now never available
- JD is the same as he has always been, will score in cups and the occasional hot streak, and lots of persistent rumours that he wants out to MLS anyway.
- Soldado may not have proved himself, but needs a little more time and a little more service before we discard that investment.

My view is a LB and a Striker that can play both alone and with Soldado are our must buys for January.

dont agree.

benefit of doubt given to one person due to their pedigree in a softer slower league and this not extended to the others despite the fact they have lacked support and service for years

if we are looking for a new striker then solly's head needs to be on the chopping block, just as much as any other under performing player in the position we are after
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Because by and large Ade has not worked out.....has shown what a good player he is in flashes but is a player not driven enough to be part of a club pushing to reach the next level.

Defoe is Defoe and we know what he can do and his limitations.....he wont get any better and his frustrations at not playing are showing in his peformances. squad harmony wise we may be better off without the 'poor Jermaine he is not playing' syndrome which seems to be buzzing round our club.

AVB needs to sort the top end out....I would genuinely prefer two new hungry strikers with potential to improve and an attitude to succeed which I think defoe and ade lack......I think they both have ability as footballers but I think there attitude is all wrong........Defoe for me has never been a team player for me.

the other issue for Avb to consider is Dawson imo.... I love the guy and have fantastic memories but recently he has showed how limited he is against a certain skillset of opponents.....quick movement, pace he looks utterly woebegone..... I want him to remain as a squad player but not first choice....

so for me Im gonna see how things pan out and observe what he does with the following problems I believe that are affecting/holding back our club.

1. get lb sorted so verts can play lcb and vlad & Kaboul ahead of Dawson.
2. start with wingers on their natural side and switch to inverted if needs must.
3. soldado,Defoe & ade is a bad mix.....something has to give and as I stated I would prefer Ade & Defoe to move then we reinvest.
4. how we start games.....causing concern recently....we need to be proactive in games not reactive.

If we can get LB sorted verts happy and in his best position and the defoe and ade issues resolved we should start seeing better results on the pitch.......that's what I think anyway.

sorry dude, i dont agree. i understand where you are coming from but i cant help feel its a flavour of the month syndrome....fancy guy from spain with a sexy name is always better than the north london chap that occasionally cruises through edmonton or bounds green.

right now its clear that all three are talented and all three on their day are strikers worthy of the best teams...but we're going to throw two to the scrap heap ...just because they are familiar IMO. I heard the same thing with townsend this summer...needless to say those that said that have no clue on football and dont know what they are talking about...didnt even consider him a contributing squad player even after they saw what he was capable of at qpr.....

can i say that i think you are unfair to dawson....can you name me ONE, just ONE , Centre back of dawsons ilk/type that can deal with fast, pacey, good moving , and skillful players?

Just one CB is all i am asking for. this is the one guy thats ever present in tottenham and has been a rock through out our years when we turned the tides defensively

i just dont get how we throw him on the scrap heap just because he , much like any other CB of dawsons style, might struggle again quicker more skillfull players.

AVB is fine for playing him, he gets pts for that IMO
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

sorry dude, i dont agree. i understand where you are coming from but i cant help feel its a flavour of the month syndrome....fancy guy from spain with a sexy name is always better than the north london chap that occasionally cruises through edmonton or bounds green.

right now its clear that all three are talented and all three on their day are strikers worthy of the best teams...but we're going to throw two to the scrap heap ...just because they are familiar IMO. I heard the same thing with townsend this summer...needless to say those that said that have no clue on football and dont know what they are talking about...didnt even consider him a contributing squad player even after they saw what he was capable of at qpr.....

can i say that i think you are unfair to dawson....can you name me ONE, just ONE , Centre back of dawsons ilk/type that can deal with fast, pacey, good moving , and skillful players?

Just one CB is all i am asking for. this is the one guy thats ever present in tottenham and has been a rock through out our years when we turned the tides defensively

i just dont get how we throw him on the scrap heap just because he , much like any other CB of dawsons style, might struggle again quicker more skillfull players.

AVB is fine for playing him, he gets pts for that IMO

The hate for Dawson on here is appalling....well said!
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Papered over the cracks again tonight. Getting sick to death of these **** performances.

Glad as I was with the win, and the fact we came from behind, I'm afraid it did. Once they went in front I wasnt that confident we would draw,let alone win, we looked lost at time. The Chircihes goal changed everything.

Hopefully we will see a more fluent performance on Saturday
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

You could say that ;)
His predecessor was sacked for losing 4 league games all season (unbeaten at home). Prior to that, he had won 3 league titles in a row (first time it had ever been done by a manager in Portugal). He has also taken them consistently into the Champion's League knock out stages.

AVB's team faced average teams in the Europa the next year , braga, villarreal, sevilla, cska, spartak

In that context, why was he seen as "the" guy, first by Chelsea and then by us? Why not Jesualdo Ferreira who is the coach you mentioned? (He doesn't appear to have done much since) It seems strange to me that the top clubs in the world were after AVB on such relatively scant evidence of his abilities. Was it because of Mourinho's success, even though he had won the Champions League?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Glad as I was with the win, and the fact we came from behind, I'm afraid it did. Once they went in front I wasnt that confident we would draw,let alone win, we looked lost at time. The Chircihes goal changed everything.

Hopefully we will see a more fluent performance on Saturday

So if we keep papering over the cracks, at what point does papering over the cracks simply become winning?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

So if we keep papering over the cracks, at what point does papering over the cracks simply become winning?

Not sure. Not complaining at all over getting the points, I'd love us to win playing swashbuckling football, like I am sure we all would, but last night, the 1-0 win v Hull and 2-0 at Villa I just didnt enjoy the performances
Its only personal opinion, and everybody see games through different eyes,but I still thought we were pretty average and I am not 100% confident AVB is the man who is going to make us gel.
But believe me I will be delighted if I am proved totally wrong
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Glad as I was with the win, and the fact we came from behind, I'm afraid it did. Once they went in front I wasnt that confident we would draw,let alone win, we looked lost at time. The Chircihes goal changed everything.

Hopefully we will see a more fluent performance on Saturday

Been saying this all season but it's just not happening. We just look totally devoid of ideas. It's very frustrating and I can't see avb lasting if this continues much longer. What concerned me is that Fulham knew how to get the ball up to their attackers quickly and caused us problems. Why can we not do that?

The answer unfortunately is that avb does not have a clue - he has relied on great players to do this without actually knowing how!
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Not sure. Not complaining at all over getting the points, I'd love us to win playing swashbuckling football, like I am sure we all would, but last night, the 1-0 win v Hull and 2-0 at Villa I just didnt enjoy the performances
Its only personal opinion, and everybody see games through different eyes,but I still thought we were pretty average and I am not 100% confident AVB is the man who is going to make us gel.
But believe me I will be delighted if I am proved totally wrong

Careful now :lol:
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

So if we keep papering over the cracks, at what point does papering over the cracks simply become winning?

It doesn't become winning, it becomes winning once in a while then going 5 games only scoring one goal (a pen), losing to dross like west ham by a significant margin, getting battered 6-0 by a very good team and boring the pants off the supporters who are accused of not singing as they watch uneventful, mind numbing, uninspired football unfold.
This is unsustainable and will result in more change.