You disagree that good strikers are brought for reasonable fees and are successful? Im really not sure how you can to be honest mate, its a stone cold fact - there is a list just a few posts up!
no, i disagree that i am completely wrong. i disagree that good strikers are boutght for reasonable price FREQUENTLY, especially in this league and especially if they are actually really good and risk certified (which is where we would operate). and i disagree that that fee is irrelevant to quality. i think they are closely correlated. not absolute , but very high correlation.
I suspect you are deliberately baiting me again buddy

You know full well I doubt Moyes ability to spend big money. At more modest fees I think he is bloody good.
hands in the air. its amazing you can spot that so quickly though. need to be more sly
side from that I just dont buy the whole scenario you are constructing there, I think you are vastly over complicating the matter. Jelavic, as was the example, would come up on our radar because he is to cheap? Only more expensive players are good enough? Sorry mate. A good player is a good player regardless of where he is or how much he costs. Look at Berbatov, £6m apparently and a Rolls Royce of a player - not good enough because he is "only" £6m? Doesnt meet our requirments because of that? You talk of risk factors - Jelavic at £5m is a low risk move for us! And I bet he would have been bloody good for us too.
this is the kind of thing that drags discussions out....its the leap from what i said to what you said "jelavic wasnt on our radar c
ause he was cheap but only expensive strikers come on our radar.
i can categorically state thats not what i was saying. and i thought what i was saying would have come through better. jelavic had a higher risk factor for success, more so than ade, combine all the stuff i mentioned at least 4 or 5 times which for some reason isnt sticking in my comments...but jelavic was not a recognised name , he wasnt a playing in a big market league...(though he was in a big market team)....he wasnt put in an enviroment that could pretty much show that he would succeed in the better league....etc etc etc etc etc etc...there are quite a few things...but all these things will affect your price. tottenham dont deal in high risk factor situations if their aim to to succeed NOW. we make bigger deals because we engage in lower risk factor individuals, people that are more tried and tested, or are recognised talents etc etc etc etc. thats what makes the deal bigger. we dont think ..."hey this guy is cheap. forget him...but this dude is overpriced...let get him instead" no..nothing of the sort. and we especialy dont dp that for the first team in relation to the level of the squad talent. we try to get guys that we want that we have a higher certainty will do well now or at some point in the near future. to assess this there are LOTS of things to consider. it isnt easy...infact a while ago Cule spur invited me to a seminar that was focused on "A model How to asses or identify the good footballer"...high end stuff (i didnt go though). go tell those academics they are wasting their time with all those stats and variables
even someone's nationality can affect price actually. in conjuunction with all the other variables and factors out there
I suspect you are talking about risk more in an "assurance of quality" kind of way, but again - thats for you and your scouts to decide not the players price tag.
yes this is much closer to what i am talking about, the liklehood of a player to succeed in your team.
now here is the thing, to assess assurance of quality there are alot of things a player has to go through before you think "he is the one" its not just .."lets see how fast he can ru, how hard he can kick"...they will take it right down to the coaches report about the players character and mental toughness etc etc. true, if you can find etoo for 2 pence, then you get him. but etoo at this stage for tottenham will show all the physical and raw skill needed and he would have been tested in a various number of situations AND would have impressed..then the price starts to go up once this is shown....and even after all that there is still a risk associated with the fact that he probably hasnt been tested against the better players in a top league. then you make a decision...spend MILLIONS on a relatively talented unknown showing some serious ability in a weak african league? or try and get the talented footballer playing in a middle market club in a big market league? Wiagn and newcatle will sign etoo, we will odds on pass and try and get negredo
Im certainly not having a go at Harrys ability to spot talent, Im very confident he knows a good player and its unfair of me if Ive given you the impression otherwise. I was more criticising his lack of ability to know what he wants. Without a structured style of play his transfer targets were more.... vague? opportunistic? He would know broadly what he wanted but not specifically (IMO).
maybe he knows what he wants and he isnt backed? he kept saying that he had no money to he had to do deals.
This is why I suspect he didnt have the full backing of the board. Levy wants a plan, he wants a target - he wants to know how it works... Harry went more by gut instinct...
yeah, i dont know. you back your manager if you want to. and i doubt harry is indecisive..i think he would have known what he wanted. just that levy and him might have clashed in interests is as far as i will go
To slip through the cracks suggests there are few in number, the list above is just from this country and just the last couple of seasons - it suggests its a little more frequent that that. And if it is more frequent its not the anomoly you make it out to be.
i am talking about in this country though.....your comparing a 10million pound spend here to a 10 million pound spend in somewhere like germany or holland? pound for pound equality? Are you working for Barclays by any chance *ahem ahem* fixing rates cough cough. this is primarily in england i am talking about. good players move around for what we woudl consider cheap but over in the leagues they play in its real mula. but here is the thing..if the league they play in is a big market league then they will STILL cost an arm and a leg in proportion to whatever league they play in.
Its like comparing me trying to buy a house to say 250, me thats like the a sultan? toilet paper. the sultan wont buy that house unless its tested as bullet proof...i get beef with my neighbour he uzi's my house and my house just bounces off the bullets..the sultan is like i want that house...and i'm like "heeeeeeeey, the sultan wants MY house? 2 million bitch!!!"
A FAMOUS player will cost. A GOOD player need not, if you get to him before his star rises. A Good player is still a good player before he has proven himself at a big club...
no one is denying this, but the good player is still more of a risk than the famous good player who i am guessing is famous cause he has played in a big market somewhere in a big competition of some sort and proven what he could do, more so than the good player that hasnt had that opportunity
It is simple. That doesnt mean its easy though, just that it isnt complicated.
i believe it is, in big business football it is. look how long it took for us to make a move on sandro? and he cost us 10 or 12 million anyway.
I believe the task is made infinitely easier if you know EXACTLY what you need. Look at all the talk lately of SWEEPER KEEPER, some seem to find it funny but its a great example - look at Rodgers getting Vorm.
yes people find it funny, i just let them laugh. i've read literature referencing a keeper being employed as a sweeper though i never went into it. know very little of the intricacies of it. but it exists and its there.
Vorm was a nobody keeper in the Dutch league - not someone ever talked about on here for sure and Ive never seen him linked to anyone here either.
and guess what happened? the nobody keeper actually went for cheap to a low market arena..proved himself and then now he is courted by big market franchises. See!!! alot of the time your talent isnt the issue..its exposure and its the targets and aims of the buyer. there is soo much stuff that goes into identifying a transfer and to cut down the chances of error people that are speculating big will get resources that they have the best guarantee of success